When I was growing up I loved watching TV and Movies. I loved being able to just tune out the problems of your world and for a couple of hours you could be transported to another world and just all of the problems of your world just melted away. I loved almost every genre of movies and TV but one of my favorites was always Sci-Fi, and when you’re thinking of Sci-Fi most people will think of two main series; Star Wars and Star Trek. When I saw that we were writing an essay about comparing and contrasting the first thing that my mind leapt was to compare two of my favorite series growing up. Today I am going to talk about several similarities and differences between two very popular and historic series. The first main difference between …show more content…
Their main similarity is the fact that they are both sci-fi films and they both take place primarily in space but this where the similarities end. The style of both of these movies are very drastic and differ very much. Star Trek has a “Space Cowboy style”. It focuses very much on the action and creating a very thrilling plot that keeps people engaged throughout the entire movie. Star Trek has lots of “shoot ‘em up” scenes and plenty of action. The main philosophical emphasis of Star Trek is exploration and how to morally deal with a new situation. Star Wars is referenced to an epic “Space Opera”. There is a large focus on mythology and world religion. One of the main focal points of the beginning of the series is the big folklore that is the “Force”. This is what binds the universe together and is what gives the main characters in the series their powers. In the beginning of this series there aren’t a lot of people that believe in the “Force” saying that is a silly religion. There is a large part of the movie that spent convincing the main character that the force is real. The main philosophical emphasis of Star Wars is the fight against good and evil and how to distinguish one over the other
Extraterrestrial beings, dazzling light shows, and dangerous laser guns are among the many thoughts that go through a person's mind when the genre science fiction is brought up. It seems as if each piece is so different, and so unique. However, many science fiction pieces are extremely similar. The science fiction pieces "Anthem," "Fahrenheit 451," and "The Pedestrian," are similar in the fact that they all encompass an expansion of technology, a new perspective on the well being of society, and each author's purpose for writing the book.
Indiana Jones is about a man named Dr. Henry Walton “Indiana” Jones, Jr., an archeologist who goes on many escapades and fights many enemies for valued artifacts. He is mostly known by his iconic look (a bullwhip, a fedora, a satchel, and a leather jacket), his sense of humor, his great knowledge of ancient civilizations and languages, and his deep fear of snakes. Star Wars is a series about jedi (a resemblance of good) and the sith (a resemblance of evil) in a galaxy far away from our own. Jedi are best known by their lightsabers, (green, blue, and purple), their loyalty to other jedi, and their deep wisdom and philosophies. Sith are best known by their lightsabers, (mainly red), their long dynasty of master-apprentice, and their betrayal towards each other’s trust and
each other. Both have strong followings of loyal fans that live and breath these classic
Star Wars is a classic representation of the science fiction genre of the 1970s and 1980s because it has helped to popularize
star trek vs star wars? Which do you prefer? Who is better? How are they similar? Aside from having ‘star’ in their respective,the two franchises also share many similarities.they do also have some differences.
Star Wars and Star Trek, two universes set in space. One is set in our galaxy and those closes by, the other in a galaxy far far away. They use different types of weapons and ammunition. One universe uses ships with several crew members, while the other uses one-man ships as well as ships with multiple crew members. The number of races and planets between the two universes is vastly different. Also, one is more popular than the other. Both of these universes are similar in concept, but Star Wars has better weapons, races, and more creativity in general.
After I've read both the Star Trek synopsis and chapter 3 of Hasker's textbook "Metaphysics: Constructing a Worldview" it's clear that what is seen of the mind and body issue that was displayed by Picard within the synopsis of Star Trek: The Next Generation was Dualism view. The truth about Maddox is he can be a part of the scientific research the division of Starfleet with orders to dismantle data on the starship enterprise. In the episode, the conflict between Picard and Maddox stems from two different views of what makes a machine a machine and what makes a human a human. The Robot is Picard friend, data is the individual and ought to be able to form choices as a real individual ought to. In my conclusion, I believe that Picard was depicting
Among the many great debates that have passed down through the centuries, there is one that has yet to be given a clear answer or voice; yes, my fellow nerds, I am talking about the great battle of the fandoms. While there are those who think Captain Picard would be no match for Darth Vader, it is finally time to shed some light on the situation; it is time for Star Wars versus Star Trek. I enjoy both universes equally, but I believe that in a fight Star Trek would win against Star Wars.
I am a sap for movies and television shows that involve action and science fiction. This started when I was seven years old when I was shown my first episode of Star Trek, “The Trouble with Tribbles”, which quickly led to me seeing all of Star Trek, Star Wars, Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings. These movies have shaped who I am and have instilled in me an instant fondness for anyone who pays homage to any of these selections. J. J. Abrams is becoming an idol for bringing both Star Wars and Star Trek to this century. When I saw this film I was stunned by its beauty and imagination, yet they are not perfect. This leads me to a definite conclusion. Although J. J. Abrams has been in every position around the directing chair whether it be producing,
SciFi films make the improbable possible. In this essay I will argue to what extent District 9 is more evolved as a science fiction film than Avatar with brief reference to the pre-1999 film, Men in Black. It can be argued that Avatar is more evolved than District 9 as it contains the themes that are common to the SF genre, such as advanced technology and space travel, as compared to District 9 which contains less or they aren’t as advanced.
Star Wars and Star Trek, two movie titles often confused by non-fans because the first word of both titles is ‘Star’. But do not be confused because the two are extremely different in all sorts of ways. One of them is fantasy, the other sci-fi. One is full of creatures and heroes and villains and spaceships and power and darkness, the other filled with humans and aliens who fly ships together in primary colored uniforms. In other words, one is clearly better than the other. If you’re asking yourself which is which, let me make it a bit easier for you. Star Wars is the better of the two. Star Wars is worth more, the Star Wars video games put the Star Trek ones to shame, Star Wars has better film making and better special effects, the Star Wars antagonist (The Empire) is far scarier than any Star Trek villain, and the list goes on. Still don’t agree with me? That’s okay, keep reading and you’ll see how much you are wrong.
For Generations these great films have become classic in our eyes, regardless of the die-hard fans forcing you to choose a side. As we discuss Even though Star Wars and Star Trek have different concepts, they both have similar themes and motives. These themes are the science fictions and the peace they try to maintain. The difference is how they approach and obtain this peace. As much as these great films mean to me, eventually these classic movies will be replace with a greater modern scientific fiction and I look forward to the
Star Trek and Star Wars have similar and different concepts, Throughout the years, two science fiction classics have rivaled each other. Both have strong loyal fans that obsess over these classic stories. Shirts, costumes, sheets, and action figures are only some of the merchandise sold of these two films. Star Wars and Star Trek definitely share some similarities being both science fiction movies. While the similarities are there, especially when many people confuse characters and plot. Differences account for the awesomeness of each movie. If someone were to place a Star Trek and a Star Wars fan in the same room, only one would come out alive(it would be the Star Wars fan). This is because every fan knows that Star Wars and Star Trek are
I was firmly planted in the aesthetic stage, as I was “…motivated by pleasure and pleasure-seeking” (Perkins). Although I was in the more sophisticated sub-section of an aesthete -as the pleasure was emotional rather than physical- my purpose in life was undeniably to find pleasure. The show had a great influence on my identity in this stage, as it offered this pleasure, and encouraged me in the sense that I could do anything through my own intelligence. Star Trek depicted “…a meritocracy. The characters were cool not because of looks, wealth, or social position, but because they were very good at their jobs. It is a rare television show that sends the message that it is cool to be smart” (There's A Reason Why Star Trek Remains So Popular, 2016). This was the message of many science fiction shows, and it was immensely attractive to me because I had generally only
I am not a fan of Star Trek in its early years. Star Trek does not interest me because I do not understand what the movie or show is about. Also, it was filmed over 30 years before I was born. I am usually not interested in movies that are 20 years older than I am unless the movie is a genre that I prefer. The new Star Trek movie that was released July 22, 2016 is appealing to teenagers my age because it is new and full of action. My father also has a significant impact in my movie preference. My father told me he has never watched Star Trek while growing up and did not understand it either. Even though in Star Trek does not catch my attention, there are various space based stories that have my interest.