Star Trek Theme Party The requirements of a perfect party are happy guests, a good theme, and entertainment. If only two of these necessities are adhered to, a party will function acceptably, but it will not be perfect. In the event that only one of the requirements is followed, the people attending the party will not see the value of planning the party in the first place. Many parties have been perfectly planned, except then some of the guests don’t like each other. This can be frustrating for not only the people involved in the disruption, but the host and the other partygoers. Additionally, the people may interact well together, but the theme of the party may not be what everyone would enjoy or not well planned. Furthermore, if a party has …show more content…
In the Star Trek theme party, the background needs to be a place on a starship, such as Ten Forward in The Next Generation series. This is commonly a happy place, despite the dim illumination in the show, since it has Guinan, the bar hostess, who is always willing to give her wisdom to people who need to make difficult decisions. For this reason, the people who attend the party will be immersed in an enjoyable atmosphere. Having guests feel at ease is essential to a perfect party, and this party meets, and possibly exceeds, the requirement. Being part of Starfleet is generally regarded by fans to be a high honor on account of the fact that a person must complete many rigorous programs to be on a starship. To be on the flagship of the fleet, the USS Enterprise, the honor is even greater, so by wearing the uniforms of the characters, the guests at the party will be happy. Cardboard cutouts of the characters will be present, as they will not only make the party seem larger, but it will allow the guests to feel in character among their favorite space going entities. Furthermore, since the show is set in the future, the guests will be able to think about something other than their school or work schedule, as others will no doubt be discussing Star Trek related trivia at the party. Therefore, the background of the perfect party can be the darkened, but uplifting, atmosphere of the Ten Forward lounge as reflected
In the short story The Party, by Pam Munoz Ryan, the protagonist is a girl who desperately wants to go to a popular girl's birthday party, gets the memo that she was not invited to the party. She wants to go to the party with all of her friends who were all invited. She meets many people who were also not invited one in particular states that she wishes that the popular girl, Bridget, would just invite her so she could say no. With this thought in her head the day is slowly coming to an end. A day that felt as it had lasted for an eternity. Then as the school day is about to come to an end, one of the girls friends caught wind of a rumor that someone couldn't make it to Bridgets birthday party and that Bridget was planning to invite her.
Supporting the Wheatland High School Grad Night event strengthens the community as a whole. Wheatland is a small, local farming community. The High School does not have the same level of funding that is afforded to other high schools located in larger communities, for example River Valley High School in Yuba City. In addition, the Wheatland community is a primary supporter of Beale Air Force Base. A large majority of Air Force personnel live in the Wheatland community and their children attend schools in the Wheatland School District. Supporting Grad Night will not only positively effect this small farming community but it will also enhance the morale and welfare of the Beale Air Force personnel and their families. Furthermore, providing a safe and sober place for graduates to celebrate will make the roads and community that much
With any party comes the planning, you have to plan every detail. All of this for just one night. All of these stress on a 14 year old. Trying to keep up with school work while in their free time they are planning a different part of the party. It seems like anything anyone says bothers you. After this day you get to do more of your own things. You get to have more freedom.
In Future Farmers of America, parliamentary procedures make sure that proper business can be transacted during meetings. This is a procedure that no other organizations use to conduct meetings that is why it is such a diverse organization. During parliamentary procedures, only one item is addressed at a time courtesy is extended to everyone. Also, the rights of the minority are protected while the majority rules. In this diverse community, there is a yearly Chapter Banquet, which is the high light of the year. The Future Farmers of America invite sponsors for the corresponding chapter and all businesses in the community (Wal-Mart, Walgreens, McDonalds etc.). The banquet always opens using parliamentary procedure and addresses all the sponsors and thanks
They avoid conflict and feelings, so that people focus on other things. However, people are gathering information and opinions about everything, so not much work gets done. The second stage is called storming. In this stage people start to confront each other. Some people will be happy about this, where as other people would prefer to still be in the forming stage. People will look for clearness in the structure and rules to make sure that the conflict doesn't get any worse. The next stage is called norming. In this stage the group now have an understanding of each other after the conflict. So they now support and listen to each other and they are prepared to change their opinions that they made in the forming stage. They group worked hard to get to this stage as they may have not wanted things to change. The final stage is called performing. In this stage they all know each other well, so they can communicate effectively, to ensure that they get everything
We truly do live in a world where no one is satisfied. You do one thing, you 're screwed. You do another thing, your still screwed. If you implement something that doesn 't 100% cater to the desires of another, there 's a problem. The truth is, you 're not going to win out on every conflict. You are not going to be satisfied with every little decision made. If I were to host a
If I could host a dinner party and I could invite anyone. I would invite Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, and Huey P. Newton. Martin Luther King Jr. led the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s and also in the 1960s Malcolm X was a national minister and spokesman of the Nation of Islam and Huey P. Newton led Black Panther Party in 1966 through 1987. I would invite these three men because they led different organizations to gain equal rights for African-Americans in the 1960s. They had different views on getting equal rights. For example, Martin Luther King Jr. believed in peaceful protesting and turning the other cheek but Malcolm X and Huey P. Newton believed by any means necessary that means they will do anything and everything to get equality. I would ask questions about how did they organization’s start and how they overcome all of the naysayers. I would serve roasted chicken and water served as a drink. We would talk about their deaths and did they felt they could have done more before they died. Also, we would talk about the current situations with African-Americans. I feel like we could use different tactics to get the job done. I think they will be upset how blacks are treated by society today. They probably thought after their deaths African Americans will be treated with more
Ah, Graduation. It seems as if it’s a long way off from today. However, that does not mean that we should not construct ourselves for the best career changer of our lives. Even though, I am not much of a partier, I do know of a few venues I would like to remunerate myself with family and friends in attendance. I know I may have to have at least two parties. My home away from home is Pensacola, Florida. So it's just essential for me to want to have a commencement party with my friends residing in Florida.
The novel Blackwater Lightship by Colm Tolbin, is a complex story about a family over three generations. Throughout the novel, there are many themes, but that of mothering takes precedence. In the novel, Declan, a homosexual man, revels to his family that he has AIDS and is dying. It is through his death, that we see a broken family face the struggles of becoming one again and dealing with their past. With the help of Declan’s companions, we see what it takes to be a true mother. This novel raises a lot of speculation about tradition and modernity being set in Ireland, a nation heavily influenced by the church. With the church playing such an impactful role in people’s everyday lives, the struggle
At Indiana University there are unwritten customs that many student choose to follow. The unwritten custom can be divided into two approaches Socio-Cultural approach and Academic-Institutional approach, but both can be intertwined together in varies ways. The Socio-Cultural approach relates back to Indiana University in many way. The main unwritten custom of Indiana University is partying a lot as a freshmen, and counties throughout the four years of college. Partying is huge deal at Indiana University, but it begins as a freshmen when everyone in the residence halls are invited to the first college party of the year. When an individual denies going out to a party as a freshmen everyone automatically call that individual a “good person” because the unwritten customs is to go out
I am currently involved with the Rebel Events Board (REB) and I chose to join this group because I had prior event planning experience while I was on student government in my high school. I take pride and enjoyment into the groups that I am committed to, but I do notice that this group lacks in certain aspects and abilities towards being a well-established group. Based on the group emotional norms box from chapter 8 (Johnson), I notice a big lack of interpersonal understanding. The areas that are lacking within the interpersonal understanding norms, I notice the group leaders could improve on incorporating more time towards getting to know all the members well. Sometimes the group just dives into discussions or announcements without really
The movie Shrek is a fairytale that you can watch with family. It’s a movie that not only entertains, but it also teaches valuable lessons. Shrek puts the viewers in awe and gets them excited, so this movie is definitely worth watching! One of the main themes in this movie is the acceptance of people for who they truly are. In this movie we witness a lot of prejudice, or just assumptions. People assume that because someone looks a certain way that they are dangerous. Appearances are deceiving, and this movie shows us exactly that. To begin, you should all know that Shrek is not your normal fairytale. This
Bridesmaids would wear matching blue jean cut-offs and halter tops – with more skin showing than not.
People dress down and eschew formal titles. You might think of it as an attitude that we are all just plain folks, even if it is a gathering of very accomplished people.
used to think the party life was enjoyable and entertaining, but one night made me appreciate the leisurely pace of home. Every party I have gone to before this outrageous night was a fight between us and these other guys. That night I had noticed I was invited to a fake birthday party , I should of had listened to my gut but that night made me stronger.