
State And National Control Of Schools Essay

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State and National control of schools is the solution to public education by providing a standard of measure for the complete school from all incorporated stakeholders (Loveless, 2014). A standard of measure is comprised through the adoption of common core and its criterions for the common school as a measuring tool to analyze the many issues that plague our public school systems today. Common Core is a systemic path comprised of education’s “insiders”—educators, officials, publishers-whose daily work routinely shapes curriculum (Loveless, 2014). By adopting common core, it incorporates standards derived from cognitive, research-based, content experts, as well as consenting support from federal investments for implementations and further expansions to ensure a valid curriculum for all students. With state and national control it ameliorates curriculum, instruction, assessment, and accountability, which will lead to a better common school with equal expectations and equality for all.
The United States has a broad, detailed history on public education, but the one constant has always been the political goal; theory of human capital. Our political goal for public education, is best represented by Georgia’s Governor Sonny Perdue, when he stated, “American competitiveness relies on an education system that can adequately prepare our youth for college and the workforce” (Council of Chief State School Officers, 2010).Similar to many successful sports teams motto, I believe that

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