
State Department Role

Decent Essays

My role is that of Secretary of State (SECSTATE). Established in 1789, my position is the nation’s oldest and most senior cabinet position. My responsibility is leading US foreign affairs on behalf of the Executive Branch to include conducting American diplomacy. I also ensure the Foreign Service and Civil Service personnel within the Department of State and US Agency for International Development (USAID) are working together with their colleagues across the federal government [OSRAP, pg 5]. The mission of the State Department is to shape and sustain a peaceful, prosperous, just, and democratic world and foster conditions for stability and progress for the benefit of the American people and people everywhere. This mission is shared with …show more content…

We must ensure we are utilizing all national instruments of power (IOP) to include information, military, and economic. Furthermore, there must be a coordinated “whole of government” effort between USAID, the Department of Defense (DoD), the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), other governmental/nongovernmental agencies and Congress and a “whole of world” effort including Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs), World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF), the media and various regional partners (e.g. India, China, Central Asian States, Gulf states) to meet these identified challenges. However, while the US is quick to take a leadership role in resolving crises around the globe, we are not a totally benevolent country. The decisions we make and the actions we take must be guided by and advance the four enduring American interests: security, prosperity, values, and international order (NSS). In all of our dealings, we must always recognize the strategic impact/implications of our actions on our national interests. As the SECSTATE I recommend the following courses of action (COAs) to mediate the security concerns of Pakistan and Afghanistan: • Commit to staying the course • Disrupt, dismantle, and defeat Al Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan • Engage with regional partners and other stake …show more content…

As President Obama stated in a 1 Dec 09 speech at Westpoint, “Our civilian engagement in Afghanistan and Pakistan will endure long after our combat troops come home. While our military mission in Afghanistan is not open-ended, we are committed to building lasting partnerships with Afghanistan and Pakistan.” One such demonstration of US commitment to this region is the 1,500 US government civilians serving in Afghanistan and Pakistan alongside the US military. The civilians from various US agencies, along with the military, for the first time since the war began, provide a whole of government approach to addressing the needs of the two countries. [OSRAP, pg 5]. This whole of government approach must be able to build/teach/instill capacity in the various layers of the Afghan and Pakistani governments to meet the needs of their

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