
Statement For The Physics Student

Decent Essays

Statement by MIPT Alumnus (01/2000)
The Physics Student, admitted to Rutgers, Boston University, PennState

Being born in a family of physicists I was fond of science from my childhood. Even when I was a little girl, my favorite toys have all been mechanical. Their inside was always a tempting mystery for me. Later on, the questions I asked myself have progressed to more sophisticated ones, usually dealing with nature phenomena around me - like why the sky is blue, how clouds or rainbow form, what the lightning is and so on. Fortunately, my parents were able to help me with providing the answers to some of those questions, or in some cases providing me with references on how to manage myself. Since we had a pretty extensive library at home, soon I was reading books like Swarz �Unusual physics of usual …show more content…

I enjoyed this job greatly. I enjoy communicating with people and I have got much from my students as well as my students have got from me. I believe this experience will significantly help me both in my teaching assistant assignments and in my future academic career.

Now my interests in science lie in the area of molecular, optical and chemical physics. After completing my PhD program I would like to work as a researcher and as a teacher in this field. I also believe that my serious intention for study and research, my past laboratory experience and academic background in various areas of Physics and Mathematics will be beneficial for my graduate studies. I have chosen Massachusetts Institute of Technology for continuing my education because as I know it provides excellent opportunities for studying physics and mathematics as well as for the research in the area of my interests.

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