After discovering my passion for science and math, I pursue a career in Clinical Laboratory Science with enthusiasm. My desire to study this subject originates from the exciting and rapidly-moving subject area that is highly relevant to major issues facing society today. Clinical Laboratory Scientists play a crucial role in the healthcare field; in detection, diagnosis and treatment of disease in patients. My goal is to be involved in the latest advances in medical research and to constantly be expanding my knowledge about my field. On top of this goal, Clinical Laboratory Science remains a challenging, rewarding and inspiring topic that will motivate and shape my career for my entire life. For as long as I can remember math and science classes fascinated me to no end. Once I started wielding science as a tool to understand life, a whole new world opened up. There is nothing more satisfying …show more content…
Medicine and research changing frequently, which leads to the opportunity to become a lifelong learner in my potential career. I enjoys studying technical processes and information and will never tire of learning new things; for me, academia and facing a field that relies so heavily on research will never fail to evoke curiosity and enthusiasm. To me, the most challenging subjects have always been the most interesting ones, and I strive to conquer and succeed with these subjects. The laboratory industry, with its constantly evolving technology and methods, will always be changing and I am equipped with the desire and skill to excel in such a rapid environment. While taking Introduction to Clinical Laboratory Science class we explored all the vast options for a clinical lab major, and in all of the different applications I see nothing but opportunities. With a Clinical Lab major, there is a world of
I was very excited to learn that I had been placed at my first choice elective APPE rotation at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center focusing on pharmaceutical drug analysis and research. This was an area of pharmacy I did not have any experience in and was interested in learning more about. Dr. Klang introduced me to numerous apparatuses used daily in the research setting. I learned not only the rules and regulations of cleanroom compounding according to USP 797, but also the logic behind each component. With my previous rotation being internal medicine and working in the community setting this rotation was a complete change for me. Each day something new and exciting to work on surfaced, we were ready to research any questions proposed by the pharmacy staff at MSKCC. Through multiple projects I was able to develop the skills necessary to work, and more importantly, analyze the results of multiple machines, such as the HPLC and particle sizer.
This survey is given to Employers of GHSU clinical laboratory graduates. This survey wants to see if the graduates are preforming well in their jobs and if the program is teaching the best clinical lab scientist.
As soon as school started, I found myself fascinated. I loved going to school and learning new information every day from different seasons to studying the organs that make our bodies so special. I loved the idea of a quest to find explanations for the world around us. I loved the idea of how knowing certain information can help heal people, maybe to make one walk again, breathe again, even see for the first time. I grew to the rhythm of the Bangladesh rainstorms and as the droplets of water poured, my interest for how the world works
Now that I remain in the CLT program, it has actually opened my eyes to a complete different world of operating in the medical laboratory field. Having that chance to be more involved with the breakdown of the process of the clinical laboratory studies is astounding. I ‘am pleased to have prepared myself to travel beyond with a little in order to succeed with wealth of
Choosing a career you would like to pursue for the rest of your life can be quite the hassle. You have to consider your strengths and your weaknesses along with the changing economy. If you do not take into consideration those things I just said, you might be unhappy with the career you chose. The career I chose to pursue is a medical laboratory technician. A MLT is a person that performs medical laboratory tests for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease. During their job, they analyze bodily fluids, conduct blood tests and transfusions, examine cells stained with dye, record test data, take care of laboratory equipment, consult with pathologist about abnormal cells, and collect
Clinical Laboratory Scientists or Medical Technologists are science professionals who work in conjunction with physicians and nurses as an important member of the health care team. Depending on the amount of education a person has, there are opportunities for advancement in the clinical lab. There are also other scientific areas the Clinical Lab Tech can work in, such as research, public health and academia.
I hope you are well. I am reaching out to you because I would appreciate your assistance with my job search. While I'm still waiting for a response from the veterinary schools I've applied to, I am searching for a position in veterinary care to gain more clinical experience, but I am also looking for a laboratory assistant position. Therefore, with your permission, I would appreciate being able to use you as a reference who can speak to my qualifications, skills and abilities.
Only once have I visited the emergency room. Falling in and out of consciousness, I watched the doctor make his rounds and came to a personal revelation: there is no other field I would rather pursue than in medicine. By participating in HLI’s Student Week, I would gain the skills and knowledge required to pursue research and innovation of treatments. While reading snippets of scientific journals is informative, hands on knowledge in a lab is of immeasurable value when I am determined to pursue a career in pathology. Firsthand experience with professionals in a medical laboratory will provide skills I will use in the future in a university research position during my post-secondary to better medical treatments. Having grown up in a developing
Winston-Salem State University students can choose from more than 40 undergraduate majors to fit their strengths, like computer science, sports, visual arts, clinical lab, science and elementary education. The University offers over 10 graduate programs for both master's and doctorate. Therefore, they also have Bachelor of Science degrees that are offered in Clinical Laboratory Science, Exercise Physiology, Health Care Management, and Nursing. The Clinical Laboratory Science program prepares students in the laboratory system that are related to technology which are to perform their excellence for their future. The Exercise Physiology Program (EXS) prepares students for professional programs such as medicine, physical therapy, graduate study
One of my areas of interest is microbiology, particularly the mechanisms by which pathogens evade host defense systems and cause disease. Since I currently work in a microbiology lab I have read a few papers dealing with these issues and as such I would like to investigate the clinical aspects of bacterial infections.
There are several reasons I’ve decided to pursue this master’s program in Biomedical Diagnostics and it begins with the intent of improving my understanding of applied sciences and biotechnology. It’s an exciting time to be a part of biological sciences and as the field expands there will be an inherent need for skilled graduates who are able to adapt and implement the use of data information systems combined with clinical management and an advanced understanding of healthcare science. Eventually, I aspire for medical school after completing this program and I believe that the program will offer insightful and practical knowledge that will compliment my understanding of medicine and provide a great resource for the benefiting the future patients
Also, as a student with a strong interest in research, Saint Louis University School of Medicine’s dedication to advancements in medical research appeals to me. Furthermore, another reason why I wish to attend the Saint Louis University School of Medicine is the organization of the curriculum into organ system-based courses, this curriculum aligns with my way of learning and studying habits better than traditional methods of teaching medicine. Through the combination of these factors, I believe in such an environment I can flourish and succeed as a medical student, as well as add to the community at Saint Louis University School of
Until I started middle school, I never really felt like science or math were something I was interested in. I didn’t even know what engineering was, to be exact. Sure, I did well in my science and math classes, but I never saw them in my future. During my first year of middle school, at a STEM middle school nonetheless, I really started to enjoy it. I liked the discipline of putting things into systems, I liked organizing and categorizing, and I liked the more hands-on aspects of creating and conducting experiments to test hypotheses.
I recently had the opportunity to meet with Clinical laboratory director Kathleen Penny at Metro Health Hospital, where I hope to intern this coming January. After settling into Mrs. Penny’s office, I was able to get some insight about what a common misconception is about the clinical laboratory. Mrs. Penny went on to mention that most misconceptions regarding the laboratory stem from other medical professionals being surprised at how well educated the laboratory staff is (Penny, K personal communication). Apparently, many areas of the hospital don't realize that the medical technologists responsible for the tests done hold a bachelors or associates degree. The degree a laboratory tech has will determine the complexity of testing that person can be responsible for. Laboratory technicians have associates’s degrees and can
Clinical Laboratory Science, also known as Medical Technology is the occupation in the medical field that provides doctors with information needed to treat a disease. Laboratory Scientists, perform an extended variety of tests, ensure that the test results are reliable, explain the importance of laboratory tests, and study the effectiveness of laboratory tests. Laboratory Scientists perform many tests, some of which include, the analysis enzyme activity released while a heart attack is taking place, the identification of the type of bacteria causing an infection, and the detection of DNA markers that cause genetic diseases. The tests performed by Laboratory Scientists reveal information unknown to people before their test was taken. Laboratory Scientists are one of the most important persons in the hospital.