
Statement of Purpose: Pursuing a Master Degree of Public Administration

Decent Essays

I have given much thought about my education and career goals. I included my current qualifications and accomplishment, as well as, the fulfillment of my desire to work in the government sector or industry. The issue I had with setting this goal was I qualified to work in many areas, and had become as a “jack of all trades and master of none.” I was all over the place trying to land in a specific area and industry. I have an Associates of Applied Arts degree in Paralegal, a Certificate in Corporate Governance, and a Bachelors of Science degree in Criminal Justice. I have worked in the private and nonprofit sector for years. I have collaborated with local and state government for a cause, but still felt as if something was missing, or I was not connecting with the right person or institutions. Therefore, I knew I had to strategically pursue both, education and career goals according to my vision and in doing so, I have to think long-term keeping my eyes on the result of my goals. Working with nonprofit agencies and AmeriCorp V.I.S.T.A. (Volunteer in Service to America), I had the opportunity to learn firsthand at the efforts given within agencies to service the environment and the public by making changes, and implementing reforms on different issues. I found I have a passion for people, legal policies, compliances, and I am very good as a spokes person, or advocate speaking on change. During the time when I was facilitating as a General Education Development instructor for

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