
Statement of Purpose to be a Social Worker or a Fashion Designer

Decent Essays

Substance abuse social workers and fashion design are careers that play an important role in the United States today. Both careers involve working well with others, and having an open mind. They also require that people be able to keep up with deadlines and be responsible. Someone in these fields also has to be able to solve problems and think quickly. These qualities are appealing to me because I love to challenge myself and be around people. However, these careers are also very different. Fashion design involves quite a bit of overtime work, along with overnight travel. The work fashion designers do is typically beneficial only to themselves rather than others, while the work of a substance abuse social worker is focused on helping others. Substance abuse social workers rarely travel, and there is rarely overtime work. Fashion design would allow me to become well known and see the world, but I enjoy helping people and I want my work to make a difference. Substance abuse social work’s outlook is increasing and has far more openings than fashion design. When deciding which of these two careers is better suited for you, one should consider your skill set, personal preferences and needs for the future.
Fashion design is an exciting career, full of obstacles and chances for advancement, but it is also difficult and time consuming. A person in this career designs custom garments based on personal preference, current fashion trends and knowledge of design for a variety of

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