
Statistics Of Abortion Research Paper

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Statistics of Abortion One in every four pregnancies there is an abortion. Half of the women that got an abortion before is more likely going to get another abortion. There is a low percent of abortions that ended up by rape or the mother’s health. Most people think abortion is wrong and it can be. If it is a danger to the mother, the baby or if the mother has gotten raped its a different story. The mother should have a right to choose.Women should be able to choose if they want to get an abortion if it is not their fault. There are many reasons why abortion can be horrible. According to, “women that get an abortion on average gives at least three reasons for the abortion. Three out of four women say that having the baby will interfere with work, school, and other important activities. Three out of four women also say that they cannot afford the child. One out of two women say they do not want to be a single parent or they are having trouble with their partner or husband.” This is bad because these are the people that did not protect themselves and they know the chances of having a kid. In the Alan Guttmacher Institute article, it states, “little over 1.1 million abortions happen in the U.S. every year, almost one in four pregnancies will end in abortion, and half of …show more content…

In most cases abortion can

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