
Status Symbols Of The University Setting

Decent Essays

Status symbols in the University setting often do not indicate that somebody is more respected or thought of more highly than another person because of the symbol, but are more indicative of certain personal attributes which others can interpret according to conventional wisdom and can use to identify likeminded people within a diverse pool of peers. There are manifold niches to occupy within the UNC community, and given that all students are currently working towards the same goal allows for status symbols to symbolize social accomplishment less according to social hierarchal structure of rank and popularity and more according to placement among the many essential roles within the complex web of career paths at UNC Chapel Hill. This makes the general sharing practices surrounding social concepts, cigarettes, entertainment media, and illegal substances unique influencers of social relationships within the University setting. There are so many diverse social niches to fill here at UNC Chapel Hill, which makes social status symbols rarely reliable for indicating level of social accomplishment, as the term would thoughtfully indicate. Rather than indicating a tier within a hierarchy, they indicate placement within an immense web of social individuals all on a mostly level playing field. While we come from widely different backgrounds, Chapel Hill students all currently inhabit the same geographic area and are working towards the same immediately foreseeable design. We, as

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