
Steal The Goldfish Essay

Decent Essays

This story is about a young boy name Yonatan that wants to become famous. So he decided to make a poignant documentary about the secret longings of everyday Israelans. Yonatan knocks on every door asking people what would you wish if were to have three wishes. While he was knocking on people’s door he came across a elderly immigrant faded tattoo man named Sergei. Sergei is from Russia where he struggled with having groups of KGBs breaking their home. Once Yoni welcomed his self into the man’s home he noticed a goldfish. Not just any goldfish, a wish granting goldfish. Sergei thought Yoni was going to steal the goldfish so he murdered Yoni with a burner from the stove. When he murdered the boy he had to decide whether to take him to …show more content…

In the story Sergei has a goldfish that grants wishes. Sergei has a total of three wishes but used two already. The first wish that the goldfish granted was to cure Sergei’s sister. His sister had lung cancer. The goldfish cured his sister in an instant. The second wish Sergei used on Sveta’s son. Sveta is Sergei’s ex-girlfriend. What Sergei doesn’t know is that Sveta is now dating a Moroccon cop. The third wish he wants to save it for something special. Since the goldfish grants wishes other folktales has somebody or something that grant wishes. A story named “The three wishes: an old story”, is about a tale of three wishes that bring a poor woodcutter and his wife nothing but trouble, until they remember what matters the most. “The witch’s three wish”, is a similarity to the goldfish also. “The turkey Maiden”, is also an another example but has more than one wish granter. The story is a Spanish folktale that has a dwarf, turkeys, nuts, and magical clothes. Not every folktale is the same as the goldfish. For example, moral lessons. Moral lessons are stories that teaches life lessons. The tortoise and the Hare teaches you to keep trying

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