This story is about a young boy name Yonatan that wants to become famous. So he decided to make a poignant documentary about the secret longings of everyday Israelans. Yonatan knocks on every door asking people what would you wish if were to have three wishes. While he was knocking on people’s door he came across a elderly immigrant faded tattoo man named Sergei. Sergei is from Russia where he struggled with having groups of KGBs breaking their home. Once Yoni welcomed his self into the man’s home he noticed a goldfish. Not just any goldfish, a wish granting goldfish. Sergei thought Yoni was going to steal the goldfish so he murdered Yoni with a burner from the stove. When he murdered the boy he had to decide whether to take him to …show more content…
In the story Sergei has a goldfish that grants wishes. Sergei has a total of three wishes but used two already. The first wish that the goldfish granted was to cure Sergei’s sister. His sister had lung cancer. The goldfish cured his sister in an instant. The second wish Sergei used on Sveta’s son. Sveta is Sergei’s ex-girlfriend. What Sergei doesn’t know is that Sveta is now dating a Moroccon cop. The third wish he wants to save it for something special. Since the goldfish grants wishes other folktales has somebody or something that grant wishes. A story named “The three wishes: an old story”, is about a tale of three wishes that bring a poor woodcutter and his wife nothing but trouble, until they remember what matters the most. “The witch’s three wish”, is a similarity to the goldfish also. “The turkey Maiden”, is also an another example but has more than one wish granter. The story is a Spanish folktale that has a dwarf, turkeys, nuts, and magical clothes. Not every folktale is the same as the goldfish. For example, moral lessons. Moral lessons are stories that teaches life lessons. The tortoise and the Hare teaches you to keep trying
as to why someone would want to speak to him. 4 paragraphs later Sergei has come to the
The first short story has some relevance to the quote is What of This Goldfish, Would You Wish? In this story, there was lots of tension between the goldfish and Sergio. Sergio would not decide on his last wish, which led to the goldfish having to stay in his fishbowl. The goldfish had lost most of its tolerance for the man and couldn’t help but smile when the man wished his last wish. This is an example because the fish no longer wanted to be trapped which means he did not want to deal with Sergio any longer. Another example of tolerance being lost is when Sergio killed the boy.
Do Cortisol levels predict personality in Stickleback fish, Gasterosteus aculeatus? For a behaviour exhibited by an animal to be considered a personality trait, it must be stable over time (consistent both in the short and long term), and stable across contexts, for example different environments. The Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis is a hormone production and secretion pathway that produces cortisol. In response to stress, Corticotropin Releasing Factor (CRF) is released into the pituitary gland.
The story follows young Yonatan, as he tries to document people’s responses to a simple question. Along the way he meets a man named Sergei, and this is where acceptance comes up. Sergei is very irritated by the young and ecstatic boy when he shows up to his doorstep. Sergei being very weary of people who knock on his door, does not accept or tolerate Yonatan, and tries to get him to leave his home when Yonatan was showing respect to him and being very kind. When Yonatan enters his home without his permission, Sergei kills him on accident. Then Sergei's magical fish offers to revive Yonatan in exchange for being set free, this forced him to become tolerant of the young boy, and make a selfless decision.
Being considerate toward everybody and everything is the ideal goal that everybody hopes to achieve. Though the idea of being considerate is different depending on the person so reaching that point in the world is impossible to achieve since there is no baseline for that, we have many competing ideas as to what that could be. Some people see being considerate as being thoughtful of other people but others will see it as a deeper meaning with being courteous toward all living things on Earth and their belongings. There are so many different ways to be considerate and the readings of David Foster Wallace, Jessica Mittford, and Caitlin Doughty all have underlying messages of how people need to be more aware of what they are doing. Each piece
Throughout this unit I have seen how the lense of perspective is different in everybody's eye and how it’s important to look through the lense of the opposing side and not just our own. A great example that was shown in one of the stories that we read is in “What, of this Goldfish, would you wish” when around half way through the story it switched from the young boys perspective to that of the Russian. Also examples can be taken from the “Texas V.S. Johnson” case and how it can be seen through the perspective of both the government and the people who were burning the flag. There can even be examples from current day events that happen everyday in another part of the world with the video “My So-called enemy” showing how both the Israelis and the Palestinians have their motives for what they fight for. All of
The Fourteenth Goldfish by Jennifer Holm tells a tale about a young teenage girl and her seventy-six-year-old grandfather who found a formula to turn him into a thirteen-year-old teenage boy. Their names, Ellie and Melvin are about the same age. Attempting to get the T. Melvinus, along with Ellie’s friend Raj, can they all find and decide if humans should use the T. Melvins, or destroy it. I would recommend this book written because the book sparks my interest in the biological field. Both children and adults including scientists would like it because it combines terms that scientists use, “children's literature”, along with “adult’s literature.” Can the group figure it out? Maybe the settings have something to do with it.
“What, of This Goldfish, Would You Wish” is a short story by Israeli writer, Etgar Keret. This story shows just how far a person will go not to be alone. The author shows this through the character Sergei Goralick, a Russian immigrant in Israel, who killed
Throughout the history of humankind, mystical stories of magic in far off places have dazzled the populations of civilizations ancient and modern alike. Many of these stories contain mystical creatures known as genies. These lamp-dwelling beings function to grant three wishes. In some stories, other objects or animals replace genies. These stories typically embody motifs of greed, abnegation of personal gain, and benefit of third party people. While these motifs are present, they are frequently the consequence of a noble motivation with for the benefit of oneself and others. In “What, of This Goldfish, Would You Wish?” by Etgar Keret, the desire to feel independent, the necessity of individuality, and the inevitability or impetuousness drive
I noticed at the start they all meet a special character (like a fish). Aswell in all the stories they messed up the 3rd wish. On page 38 and 39 of “The Old Woman Who Lived In A Vinegar Bottle” , she was sent back to her old vinegar bottle because she had been very greedy! In the story’s “The Three and Many Wishes of Jason Reid”, “The Old Woman Who Lived In A Vinegar Bottle” and “The Fisherman and His Wife” the last wish they wished for was huge in “The Fisherman And His Wife” on line 157 the woman had wished to be God.. At one point in all of these books i've been talking about they all go on a rapid spree of wishing for different thing like a ten speed bike or a mansion,around p24 Of “The Old Woman Who Lived In A Vinegar Bottle” she got a nice cottage, car and other
Sergei’s response toward Yoni is reasonable. Yoni didn’t take the hint, Sergei did not want to be in a television “Sergei tells the boy, tells him in what he thinks is a straightforward manner, that he doesn’t want it”. He made it clear that he didn’t want to be recorded and the boy wasn’t listening. Sergei’s cultural experiences and bad childhood experiences with the KGB, “The KGB felt right at home knocking on his door.”, explains his actions.
The fisherman’s wife shows a lot of true greed throughout the story. She could have easily stopped with the first wish and could have been
They don’t know how strict my mom was, now she lost her strict attitude and is more compassionate. I think that my mom changed her way of thinking and changed her tradition of wearing uniform, now my siblings they wear uniform if they want to. Sergei doesn't want to waste his last wish, the Goldfish has granted him only two wishes, and is waiting for the third wish. The story, “What of This Goldfish Would You Wish?” written by Etgar Keret, it’s a story of a goldfish granting only three wishes and Sergei, but Sergei doesn't want to waste the last wish. Sergei doesn't want anymore wishes, he would just like to talk to the Goldfish
Life lesson. Noun. Something from which useful knowledge or principles that which can be learned. In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee; is filled with tons of life lessons that the reader can learn from. It goes from discrimination, equality, to courage, yet those are just a few examples in the book.
3. What did further examination of Tiktaalik’s fins reveal about the creature and its’ lifestyle?