
Stem Cell Research Argument

Decent Essays

Stem Cell Research is a topic that Americans feel very strongly about, making it a highly contentious topic in the U.S. . Those who support Stem Cell Research believe it gives ample opportunity for the discovery of innovative, and lifesaving medical treatments, and not all times results in the destruction of an embryo. Some supporters point out that stem cell research results in new information that could help improve the quality of life for those who are suffering from diseases currently without curesd, among other things. Furthermore, stem cell research could potentially replace animal testing. For instance, according to “Stem Cell” neuron replacement can be used as a treatment for patients suffering from Parkinson disease (stem cell 2016). …show more content…

Stem cell research has shown enormously promising results, and deserves to be pursued by scientists worldwide. In the short time stem cell research has been around, amazing things have happened, and continue to happen. For example according to the article “9. Can Stem Cells Repair a Damaged Heart?” Research on mice has showed promising result with the injection of bone marrow cells into damaged ventricle walls. In their studies, scientists were able to take a group of bone marrow cells with a high capacity to develop into other cell types, and get them to form new cardiomyocytes, vascular endothelial, and smooth muscle cells. Cardiomyocytes are the heart muscle cells that contracts to eject the blood out of the heart's ventricles, and vascular endothelial are the cells that line all vesicles (both veins and arteries). Smooth muscle cells are the cells in smooth muscles, such as the ventricles in the heart. The creation of new cardiomyocytes, vascular endothelial, and smooth muscle cells lead to the generating of newly formed heart muscle, including coronary arteries, arterioles, and capillaries (Can 2015). If this technology can be translated from mice to humans, this could revolutionize the way we see modern medicine today. There could be an end to people dying waiting for heart transplants, and catastrophes resulting from heart attacks. The ramifications are endless. Additional advancements have been made in the area of the pancreas. As stated in the article “7. Stem Cells and Diabetes”, “ promising studies indicate that insulin-producing cells can be cultivated from embryonic stem cell lines” (Diabetes 2015). This could mean new treatments, and possibly cures, for diabetes. Despite the fact that embryonic stem cell, which is the most promising type of stem cell research, results in the destruction of an embryo it provides the opportunity for hundreds

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