
Stem Integration Within America 's Schools

Decent Essays

STEM integration within America’s schools is a necessary requirement to adequately prepare students to compete in our future society. Although growth in STEM related jobs is quite apparent, knowledge of STEM capacities is necessary to function in the 21st century.
The Committee of Highly Successful School for Programs for K-12 STEM Education (2011) calls for schools to “strive for excellence for all students in all disciples” (p.13). Meaning successful STEM K-12 education programs have specific qualities which lead towards success, including; a coherent set of standards and curriculum, teachers with high capacity to teach in their discipline, a supportive system of assessment and accountability, adequate instructional time, and equal access to high-quality STEM learning activities (Committee of Highly Successful Schools for Programs for K-12 STEM Education, 2011, p. 18-23). Agora Cyber Charter School is far from a STEM integrated school, but does possess high quality, committed teachers who regularly participate in professional development and professional learning communities (PLC), as well as, adequate instructional time through a block scheduling model. Agora needs to develop their curriculum to adequately and consistently teach the standards within STEM student-centered activities that proved students quality learning experiences. During the 2015 -2016 school year, Agora revamped their instructional model to include several effective initiatives which support a

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