
Step Brothers And American Pie: Movie Analysis

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"The quality of the film stock has gotten better. The move into digital has given us better control over the dynamic range” says James Cutting, a psychologist at Cornell University who’s been studying the evolution of cinema. This means that visuals and sound have played a huge role in making movies into what they are today and that technology has advanced much more to make the audiences more intrigued into what they are watching. Knowing this, we can all agree that movies have changed, in both better and negative ways such as: lighting of the films, costumes, and of course the way characters act in general. In comedy movies, these elements seem to appear a lot, therefore there was a lot of challenges and techniques rolling through time periods …show more content…

This movie was made during the 1970’s, so once the color came out is was much easier to realize what kind of movie it was going to be. The last two movies that I watched the lighting was extremely similar, most likely because they were made within a decade of eachother. Both Step Brothers and American Pie, both are easily noticed to be a funny and happy comedy. They are both started off with a bright scene for example, in both of the movies they start off in bright rooms and then the rest is history. In specific 6 minutes into step brothers the two clowns are standing in the nice sunshine introducing who they are, while 9 minutes into American Pie they are at a party together with the lighting high up to show how positive the scene is. The endings in both of these movies are extremely happy, so it goes well with the lighting and color scheme of: if its a bright start it will be a happier movie and when the start is dark it will go with a more mysterious movie. The lighting idea was true for all of the movies except the first but that was just because in the 1950’s time period there …show more content…

The major of course go with the lighting and how black and white has transitioned into bright and happy colors. Costumes have also changed a lot just because of the idea that clothing in general has changed and what was popular back then is no longer popular now, however, the way characters act in comedies has been pretty similar: who can do the dumbest stuff. Evolution of film has of course moved in a positive direction because in 2018 with all the technology, our standards are higher than they were back then which comes to us as no surprise, but with not being able to access technology as good as ours today they did good for back in the day

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