
Step One: Determining How Change Is Marked

Decent Essays

STEP ONE: DETERMINING WHY CHANGE IS DESIRED The one “pattern” that I would like to change is becoming better at public speaking. I have always been bad at giving presentations or speeches, but I never made the effort to identify the problem and improve upon it. Last semester I had to give my first presentation in a college class and once again I had a complete brain freeze. Before the presentation, I kept telling myself that it’s going to be easy as long as I am not the first person to present. Everything went to my according to my plan and most of my classmates presented before me. Although most of my classmates looked nervous and anxious like me, once their turn came up to present they comfortably spoke up for the required 5 minutes. I was surprised that nobody really froze up and it gave me the confidence to go up and do the same. However once again when my turn came up to present I went completely blank. My voice was shaking and I kept repeating my words. This was another embarrassing experience for me because all of my classmates presented smoothly. I ended up only speaking for only 2 minutes instead of the required 5 minutes. This affected my grade because I only got half …show more content…

I have had this problem dating back to high school, but I could never figure out why I feel so nervous and anxious. I remember taking many marketing classes in high school in which I had to do public speaking and every time I felt stressed out. One situation this “pattern” is likely to occur is in a class with many students. I believe audience plays a big part in public speaking. For example, a quiet classroom can make public speaking for some people even tenser and challenging. Whereas sometimes a louder and a less attentive audience can ease a speaker's nerves. I personally prefer having to talk in front of a loud and less attentive crowd because it helps me get away from feeling like everybody is judging

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