
Stereotypes And Misconceptions Of Generation Z

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Stereotypes and misconceptions are seen wherever a person travels, wherever a person lives, and wherever a person sleeps--basically they are everywhere we go. Stereotypes are based on truths, that exaggerates a group and society bases the stereotype of that group. While misconceptions differ from stereotypes, misconceptions form from having stereotypes, are based from untruths and that group are incorrectly viewed by error. Stereotypes exist in order to monetize certain groups and strip them of their pride, not only are stereotypes negative, but it can be positive. Misconceptions exist due to the fact, that people do not have the level of education or the skills of critical thinking and rationalization and automatically assume without knowing …show more content…

The different types of misconceptions about Generation Z is that teenagers tend to be careless about life and teenagers are unaware of the surroundings in society. One major stereotype that society tends to associate with Generation Z is about social media and how teenagers are addicted to these “contraptions” as a way to isolate themselves and hid the free will of expression. Society tends to confuse the meaning of stereotype and misconception and how both contain different meaning, due to the lack of education to society. Stereotypes tend to come from a truth of a group that has been exaggerated while misconceptions develop from stereotypes, but in no means does a misconception contain any type of truth. Both differ from one another since stereotypes have some sort of truth behind their criticism versus a misconception which is completely false. Generation Z has dealt with different types of criticism that are either a stereotype of misconception that has given this group a bad name and are negatively perceived by society. Generation Z in reality is benefiting the way society’s tradition has changed over time and how Generation Z is making a positive impact on

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