
Stereotypes In Mythology

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Journal Entry #1 I chose to write about the speaker we had today, February 23, 2016 because the topic really interests me. There are so many myths about the welfare system that found it fascinating to hear the truth about those myths people are always talking about. Most of the time the welfare system is perceived as being an abused system. I have heard the statement, “People who are on welfare are just lazy!” many times and I actually started to believe the stereotype since the concept has been so accepted in todays society but that can’t be true since stereotypes are never correct because they do not apply to everyone. I learned a lot about these type of concepts on stereotypes in Sociology 1000 last semester. The class really changed my …show more content…

I know that this is the average but for some people who would like to maintain a healthy lifestyle but are unable to afford it, this would not be enough money. Society today thinks that people who are on food stamps should only be able to buy certain types of foods such as the type that come from the frozen food section. These foods are not always bad but they are not always the healthiest choice. People on food stamps are most likely buying their food from the frozen section because they are trying to make their $122.84 last until the next month and you can find the cheapest selections to be frozen. I am not saying that citizens on food stamps should be having steak for dinner every night but I feel that they should be able to afford healthier options and some selection from the produce …show more content…

When people are referring the “welfare”, they are referring to a number of government assistant programs that are provided to help struggling Americans with poverty (Johnson). One common myth that is actually very prominent today is that illegal immigrant come over from other countries and are treated better than United States citizens such as easily receiving government assistance (Johnson). This is not true and there is no way it could be true because even United States citizens have to prove their identity. Our speaker today, Monica Drake said that the only way any illegal immigrant can get any type of assistance is if they have a child but still then their child is the one benefitting from the Medicaid and it is only for a short 48 hours. The next myth that really caught my eye was the one that people are only using government assistance to upkeep their drug habits. Tennessee has recently started drug testing their applicants and found out that less than 1% of the applicants are using the system for drug habits (Johnson). I will have to admit that I too had this stereotype in my head at one time. This statistic really stuck out to me because it is such as small number of people abusing the system compared to the number that people THINK are abusing

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