
Stereotypes On Zoos

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The Zoo. A magical place for the young and old. A place where you can see animals from far away places. Places that seem untouchable. Look behind the green plants in the enclosure. Take a real look at the animals. Are they happy? No. You might think that they are happy and safe, but they are not. They can develop Zoochosis, they are killed even when they are healthy, and zoos are actually going against conservation efforts.

The first reason why animals should not be kept in a zoo is that they can develop Zoochosis. Zoochosis is a stereotypical behaviour. Stereotypic behaviour is when a animals repeats a pattern with no goal. Wild elephants walk 30 miles or more each day. When bears aren’t hibernating they are active for 18 hours a day. When these animals don’t have this type of freedom in zoos they develop Zoochosis. Symptoms of Zoochosis are vomiting, excessive grooming, rocking, swaying and pacing. When an animal has Zoochosis it is almost guaranteed that they will die. Do you really want them to die just because you feel the need to go and gaze …show more content…

Not animals who are so sick, it is healthier just kill them. Healthy animals. To give an example, I’ll tell you about Marius the Giraffe. Marius was a healthy 2-year-old giraffe who was killed because he was unsuitable for breeding. After being killed, he was publicly dissected in front of adults and children alike. After they had skinned and dissected Marius, he was fed to the giraffes. When Copenhagen zoo released that they would be killing Marius, there was multiple protests and an online petition which gained 27,000 signatures. Multiple zoos also offered to take Marius, but Copenhagen Zoo went along with their original plan. Another Swedish zoo killed 9 healthy lion cubs because they were ‘surplus’ animals. At this zoo, from different litters only two out of 13 lion cubs survived last five years. If these animals had been left alone in their natural habitat, this wouldn’t have

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