
Steroids In Sports Essay

Decent Essays

Using unfair advantages in sports is becoming more common. Many athletes that were considered greats, are being busted for using steroids and other performance enhancing drugs(PED). Drug testing in sports should be required because it would decrease the skill gap of people using the PED’s, decrease the amount of “cheaters”, and reduce the negative health risks with the people that are doping. Health risks are associated with the use of steroids and other PED’s. “Increased aggressiveness and sexual appetite, sometimes resulting in abnormal sexual and criminal behavior, often referred to as “Roid Rage””(Effects of Performance-Enhancing Drugs). Mood swings are a key sign that someone is using a PED or steroid. Trying to quit is associated with depression and possibly suicide. Doping at a young age can cause many differences and altercations in the body leading to inability to perform in the sport you want to. This also happens as you get older. “Liver damage from anabolic steroids can cause a condition called cholestasis. With this condition, bile, a digestive fluid made in your liver, cannot get to where it needs to go …show more content…

One of the most commonly used drugs is anabolic steroids. “There are many different kinds of steroids. Here's a list of some of the most common anabolic steroids taken today: Anadrol, Oxadrin, Dianabol,Winsrtol,Deca-Durabolin, and Equipoise”(Anabolic Steroids). Steroids can be taken by pills and injections. Many users are pressured into doping. They feel like they are not swole enough and want to get bigger, and feel better in the gym and on the playing field. Peer pressure is another thing commonly involved with taking PED’s. Your friends could be excelling past you in sports by doping and that could cause you to want to take to get to the their level. Others may take because they saw an athlete that had fame and fortune and want to be them even though the athlete got

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