
Steroids Pros And Cons

Decent Essays

The three branches of the United States government have different views concerning steroid use. The President let the American people know his views on steroid use in professional sports from the Whitehouse. Congress passes laws to control steroid use, but listens to lobbyist for sports franchise owners. The Courts, state and federal, work together to prosecute offenders, users, and sellers of steroids.
In February of 2009, the president Obama used a press conference to make comments about steroid use by Alex Rodriquez, a baseball player. Mr. Rodriquez had admitted using anabolic steroids during his years with Texas Rangers, a professional baseball team. When asked for his reaction to Mr. Rodriquez’s statement, the President said the news was depressing. He also said that he was more concerned about kids. He then said that he was glad that Major League Baseball, as a whole, was addressing the problem. George W. Bush, whose home state is Texas, had discussed the issue when he was President. In 2004, Mr. Bush made steroids a top main concern in his State of Union address to the nation. President Obama and Mr. Bush are both baseball fans. They are both concerned that knowledge of pro athlete’s drug use would adversely affect children. All sports …show more content…

Between 1951 and 1978 Congress proposed three hundred legislation in regards to professional sports. These measures were requested by the sports leagues or the perception of the sports world of Congress pushed them to support laws that were opposed of the request of the leagues. Congressional hearings on steroids take up time when Representatives and Senators could be trying to go to the People’s work. Congress views sports leagues as “big business.” Lobbyists do their job which is to convince Congress to do what is best for the leagues. Steroids are a problem in sports. President Obama was quoted as saying that use of steroids was “a

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