
Steve Harmon Quotes

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Imagine being 16 years old, on trial facing murder allegations because of something god given like your ethnicity, age and/or sex. A monster is a cold blooded killer, with no morales, no emotion, and someone who will do anything to get to the top and Steve Harmon simply isn't a monster but merely a victim of racial profiling. Steve Harmon is a 16 year old black male who is a victim of the justice system as he's been wrongly put on trial for felony murder, Walter Dean Myers wrote "Monster" to target the teen demographic, Steve Harmon spends most of his time at the Manhattan Detention center in cell block D. Steve Harmon knows by fact that he hasn't done anything wrong. Steve starts to cry, but Petrocelli reassures him if he gives so will they. …show more content…

Steve says, "I'm just going to tell them the truth, that I didn't do anything wrong. "This quote represents that the accusations against Steve Harmon are false which doesn't make him a killer therefore he's not a "Monster".
Steve Harmon knows he's not guilty of felony murder, but he has to prove it. Steve tells his dad he's done nothing wrong. O'Brien asks Steve how he's holding up Steve tells her the truth, which is he's afraid because of the trial O'Brien asks Steve, " How are you doing." Steve answers, "I'm scared."This quote shows Steve Harmon is affected by this case he also has feeling and isn't afraid to express himself, therefore he's not a "Monster". Steve Harmon is scared, which he should be because he's been put on trial for felony murder at the age of sixteen which he is innocent from but has to prove he is.
Then again at the age of twelve he shows that he's willing to have someone else take the blame for something he did. Tony says to Steve, " I didn't throw that rock you threw it." Steve says back, "I didn't say you threw it." Steve didn't own up to his actions and his friend Tony suffered the Consequence's. However, Steve was younger at that time and people change over time and others shouldn't dwell on the

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