
Stoichiometry Lab Report

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Introduction The purpose of this experiment was to determine the amount of NaHCO3 in Alka-Seltzer tables by calculating the mass of CO2 released by an Alka-Seltzer tablet when dropped into water, vinegar, and various combinations of both.

Alka-Seltzer is an over the counter drug used to relieve cold symptoms while neutralizing stomach acid. Alka-Seltzer contains anhydrous citric acid (antacid) and sodium bicarbonate (antacid). When the table dissolves in water, NaHCO3 dissociates to form HCO3 and Na. The water gains an H from the acetic acid to create H3O. With this addition the following reaction takes place: HCO3 + H3O ------> 2H2O + CO2. Stoichiometry is the relationship between the relative quantities of …show more content…

The mass of the CO2 in the Alka-Seltzer tablet could be found by subtracting the mass of the solution after the bubbles escaped from the cup form the mass of the all substance before the reaction. In each trial the amount of Acetic Acid (vinegar) was increased by 5 mL while still maintaining 35 mL of solution. Theoretical,the mass of the CO2 initially increases with the amount of vinegar used and then reaches a steady value at trial 5. This is because when the volume of vinegar exceeds 20 mL, sodium bicarbonate, which produces the CO2, became the limiting reactant and the same amount of CO2 is produced each time. However, the data found in the experiment did not match the theoretical results at all. It was found in 2 trials the amounts of CO2 produced reached into the negative numbers. Have a negative number produced in a reaction is obviously unfeasible. Many sources of error could have lead to the inaccuracy of the trials such as, splattering of water out of cup when tablet was droped in or when reaction was taking place, evaporation of the water, not all CO2 escaped for the cup, the amount of solution not measured

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