
Stokely Carmichael's Use Of Ethos Pathos Logos

Decent Essays

Stokely Carmichael’s speech, he talks about the concept of black power and how the white population has tried to destroy it. He uses logos appeals by appealing to our common sense and using examples from history to explain his point. For example, he used common sense to explain the failure of the civil rights bill. He says that the civil rights bill were for white people, to let white people understand that black people should be allowed certain rights because they are human beings as well. Furthermore, he uses ethos appeals by giving personal impressions of what happened to him when he tried to vote to convince us of the wrongdoings he has suffered due to being black. He says how he was beaten, shot at, or jailed just because he wanted to vote. Carmichael also uses the pathos appeals by explaining how the black population is tired of white supremacy. He says that black people are “tired of trying to prove things to white people” and that the black population has the right get things they need to function as human beings

During the 1950’s civil rights was a major …show more content…

In his speech he used a lot of logos which is what most people think would think the logical way thinking. Democracy is a type of government that grants people equal rights and during the 1950’s the United States was a democracy but was not implanting that type of government. In his speech Carmichael says “How can white people who are the majority -- and who are responsible for making democracy work -- make it work? They have miserably failed to this point. They have never made democracy work”. This was a great use of logos because again logos is how most people would logically think and he showed how it is not, because again the United States is a democracy and people are treated equally and in fact it is the exact

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