
Stolen Art By Maria Puente

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While researching the provided articles, my interest was drawn to works of art that have been stolen or looted. Although it did not come to much surprise that such terrible events such as theft occurred, I did not fully understand how big of an issue it actually is in our world as we know it today. This is an issue that many are not aware of, and unfortunately, most do not care. With every event that happens, there is always at least one consequence or more that will proceed. That means that because of all of the stealing and looting occurring, it will affect the world, and possibly us too. This crime is one that individuals can make a profit, which is exactly what ISIS has done. That means there is a market to this. The articles and video …show more content…

This is exactly what the article by Maria Puente is about. She goes into detail about how people are uneducated and gives real life examples of stolen art. The average person who visits a museum is most likely completely unaware that some, if not all the works of art have once been illegally taken. Once they find that information out, are taken completely by surprise. This is partly the museum’s fault that so many are oblivious to it. A woman who took a tour says that quite often people will go into museums and are completely uneducated about the specific information about the works of art. It makes sense that if the people are not given more information about the works of art, why should they be expected to know or care about this issue? If anything is certain, it is that the facts need to be given to inform the population, and maybe there would be a change in how many people care. It seems as if Maria Puente would appreciate that as well, as she often talked about how she wished more people …show more content…

There are events occurring because of the theft that should not be happening. It may be hard to imagine why anyone would do this terrible crime. If you are like me, I was wondering what was their reasoning behind it? Could it be for themselves, to sell, to keep others from experiencing it? Because of these occurrences where the theft happened, ISIS has been profiting off of the antiquities. This means that there has to be a market for it. Although it is uncertain as to how much money they make, it is estimated to be between $4 million and $7 billion. That is a huge range, but either way, they make loads of money in which they should not be making. This is an even bigger issue than just historical or economical, it goes beyond that. The people who are committing these crimes are dangerous and could cause harm to others. They are using it to their benefit to pay for their attacks. The process of how ISIS makes these profits is pretty simple and divided into three stages. “A dig permit is secured from ISIS authorities, unearthed artifacts are evaluated and artifacts are moved out of the Islamic State into the international market.” One may question as to how do these people not get caught? These people know they are in the wrong, keep quiet, and cheat the system. In a perfect world, they would get caught and they would get no profits, but unfortunately, that’s

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