
Strengths And Weakness Of Facebook: SWOT Analysis: Facebook

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SWOT ANALYSIS STRENGTHS A Well Known Brand Name Facebook has been operating almost worldwide. Facebook is more popular than other social network like Twitter and Instagram .Facebook has over one billion active user from around the world.The number of user is increasing every year since its inception. To increase the number of user, Facebook has created a application set up for smartphone. This application has been downloaded over a billion. Understanding Of User Need And Behavior The another strengths of Facebook is understand of user’s needs and bahavior. Facebook is always improving their social media for user satisfaction. The company has created a Facebook lite application. This application is suitable for smartphone user withlow memory capacity. It uses only a small amount of smartphone memory. WEAKNESSES Revenue Depends Mostly On Advertisements The weakness of Facebook is revenue depends on advertisiments. Up to 80% of Facebook’s revenue is derived from mobile advertising. Facebook experts large companies like Ford, HSBC, McDonald’s and Visa to continue …show more content…

In August 2013, Facebook announced the creation of, company’s sometimes controversial initiative to bring online services to underserved areas. Since then, Facebook’s connectivity efforts have expanded greatly. It released open-source blueprints for telecommunications infrastructure in an effort to drive down data costs. It’s testing Terragraph, which augments terrestrial cellular networks with new millimeter-wave technology that delivers data 10 times faster than existing Wi-Fi networks. And it continues to expand its Free Basics program despite setbacks. (In India, regulators banned the program, arguing that because Facebook has the final say over which services can be part of Free Basics, it violates net neutrality principles.)

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