
Strengths And Weaknesses Essay

Decent Essays

What I have learned about my strengths and weaknesses regarding the way I communicate is that I am more focused on being democratic and making sure everyone has a voice and that everyone feels heard. The weakness to this style is that it is time-consuming and I, therefore, can sometimes not come to a complete decision due to consistently weighing my options. When I read the twelve different listening blocks, I saw that I do specific blocks with certain people in my life. The biggest one I feel that I do is rehearsing because I worry that I may stutter or say something stupid, and so I focus on that rather than on what the other person is saying. When I focus entirely on what the other person is saying, I don’t know what to say in return …show more content…

At work, I was able to talk with my boss about the Johari Window and the potential it has to help co-workers in regards to their blind spots and how we as a team can help others by making others aware of their work blind spots. Even in personal situations, having a person who can kindly let you know what your blind spots are is helpful because humans are always a work in progress and by having others enlighten us about our blind spots can help us grow. What I do feel like I am getting better at regarding the way I communicate is when I listen to people, and I can call them out on which ego-state they are coming from. When people put imposed limits on themselves due to their critical parent whispering in their ear, I know better now to ask them if that is how they feel about the situation rather than attempting to mind read. This technique is more natural when the other person knows what I am talking about regarding ego-states, but even if they don’t, it is still more accessible enough of a notion that anyone can tune in to those different parts of themselves. Getting in touch with my ego-states has been helpful regarding decisions and what I feel is right and congruent. By learning to ask my critical parent inside me why this particular voice speaks to me the way that it does and telling it to find a different more helpful way to talk to me has helped me

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