
Mentoring Confidence Inventory

Decent Essays

After completing my Mentoring Confidence Inventory, I learned that my lowest score, 18 out of 25, was on the communicating effectively category. I was not surprised on scoring low on this category. Friends and family members often tell me that I need to work better on communicating effectively and listening to other’s perspectives. Under the communicating effectively category, there is a statement claiming, “I have effective listening skills.” I rated myself a 3 out of 5 when reading this. Sometimes when having hot topic discussions with my peers, I react abruptly to something someone has said that I do not agree with. I recognize that this is not a great way to respond and it does not constitute effective listening. I get so caught up in …show more content…

When I met with Professor Engel, I expressed to him my concern that only one student had shown up to my office hours since the start of this course. I explained to him that I think the students view me as too much of an authoritative figure in the classroom, rather than a Peer Leader. Professor Engel suggested we take five minutes at the end of class to address this. I told the students that office hours can be professional, but also social- that we could talk about the class material, or we could talk about their interests and how they can obtain experience within their fields. One of the students in my class is an Audio Production major; I used her as an example of how I could help them out. In front of the class, I explained how I knew of another Peer Leader, who is also an Audio Production major and I could set up a time so they could meet and discuss any questions or concerns she had. She came up to me after class and thanked me. She expressed to me that she loved Audio Production, but did not know exactly what she wanted to do with it. The student told me she would email me and was looking forward to the

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