
Strengths And Weaknesses Of Writing

Decent Essays

In this portfolio, it consists of writing projects done this semester. My first writing piece is an opinion article discussing about DACA and the consequences of ending DACA. The next piece is a brochure done with a group on UIC Student Codes of Conduct policy. Lastly, at the bottom is a profile story written about a teacher that I interviewed.
The first writing project is an opinion article about DACA and how ending the program could have big consequences on the economy and also the government itself. In the process of writing this essay I struggle a lot with the structure of the paper. This is my first time ever writing an opinion article about a topic I have done a lot of research on. At first, I did not know how to start the paper and also how to incorporate my research into my argument because then it would be more like an argumentative essay rather than an opinion article. I consider this my weakest piece I’ve written. I was not comfortable with the style of writing because I was not familiar with it. Though an opinion article is kind of similar to an argumentative essay I was always told never to have an opinion in my writing and writing this piece was like the opposite of everything I learned in the past. Despite all of my weaknesses, some of the strengths in writing this piece is being able to come up with the ideas of what I want to write about and getting it down on paper. Another strength would be organization. I knew how I wanted to organize my ideas and where

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