
Stress In America Essay

Decent Essays

Stress in America
“Living in today’s world is nearly impossible without encountering stress.” (Hoeger, p. 385) Because stress has become so unavoidable, we need to find out what causing our stress and learn ways of dealing with it before it leads to health problems. Things like our exercise, self-esteem and the amount of sleep we get at night can also help to with dealing with stress. According to the report about stress from the American Psychological Association, most parents report their stress comes from money, work and the economy. The APA survey goes on to say that most parents don’t understand how much their stress is felt by the child. A parent’s stress can cause children to feel sad, worry a great deal about their lives, and can even cause physical health symptoms. (Key Findings, p. 5) When you look at the ways that your stress can affect your children, it makes it more important to find ways to deal with your stress so that your children can live healthier, happier lives. “The most common physical symptoms of stress reported were irritability, fatigue and lack of energy or motivation.”(Key Findings, …show more content…

I believe that work is my major stressor. I am a hard worker and some of the people I work with could care less if they do a good job or not. They end up doing less and I end up getting more put on my plate because I am willing to do it correctly. The stress part comes in when I listen to them complain about all they have to do, and I am doing half their job while they play solitary on the computer. Learning to meditate and starting to do yoga will be a big help for me when it comes to handling the stress in my life. Eating better after a stressful day will help with my weight and will in turn help with stress because excess body weight also contributes to

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