
Striving For a More Peaceful World

Good Essays

I found this week's readings interesting and very thought provoking, although I was particularly disturbed by "Original Child Bomb" by Thomas Merton. I believe this was probably Merton's intended response to this poem. If nothing else, it certainly gets the reader thinking and hopefully questioning our actions as a nation.

I think Haidt's definition of moral systems is an interesting one and one which I believe would help reconcile conflicts between religious morality and secular morality, at least on the surface. If, as a human group, people viewed morality in this way (values, practices, institutions, psychological mechanisms used to make social life possible), I believe we might recognize the commonalities religious and …show more content…

Another idea presented in this week's readings which I found compelling was the brief discussions on technology and the impact this has on our sense of morality. Merton obviously speaks about technology to great lengths in his poem about the atomic bomb. In this piece Merton seems to take the position that technological advances are not always a good thing. In many ways, I would agree with Merton, especially when it comes to technological advances in weaponry. I believe, as I think Merton does as well, that many of these advances allow us as a species to dehumanize various groups and therefore enable us to destroy them with little conscious thought to the moral implications this destruction has. On the other hand, Haidt takes a different approach at the end of his article, "The New Synthesis in Moral Psychology." He states that with technological advances we become more aware of people in the rest of the world, not only aware of their achievements but also of their tragedies. As this happens, our concern for others expands "and we increasingly want peace, decency, and cooperation to prevail in other groups, and in the human group as well." (Haidt, pg. 1001) I found this statement particularly interesting because, like many others, I often assume that rather than uniting us as a human species, technology often isolates us and we become more disconnected from our immediate groups as well as our wider groups. I often,

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