
Stroke In Nicaraguaagua Case Study

Decent Essays

million deaths in 2013 and 14.8% of deaths worldwide (Maracy & Isfahani et al, 2015). In fact, IHD causes the most number of deaths in both men and women in 2013 (Shepard, VanderZan-den, Moran, Naghavi, Murray, & Roth, 2015). Therefore, because IHD can lead to other com-plications, it can further result in greater cost to the economy. Clearly, there is an increasing need to eliminate the incidence of IHDs in the economy and reduce its impact by setting key priorities in place that targets primary disease prevention measures. In addition, there is a need to address the social determinants of health that can maximize a supportive environment to en-able individuals especially in low and middle countries to make informed choices that can have …show more content…

Likewise, neonatal mortality rate is much higher Nicaragua at 9.1 per 1,000 birth whereas in Canada the number is 3.2 (WHO, 2017). An addi-tional fact is that the lack of proper nutrition as a result of poverty is stunting the growth of young children in Nicaragua (WHO, 2017). Not surprising, the number children under 5 years who are stunted is 25.2 (WHO, 2017).Hence, strategies need to be deployed towards reducing poverty and inequalities in Nicaragua. Recommendations A further recommendation would be to address the sustainable development goals #1(zero poverty), 2 (no hunger) & 3 (good health and well being) while addressing the impacts of the social determinants of health on the issue ischemic heart disease. Consequently, using upstream measures that targets the grass root cause of IHD is the best approach to reducing the global burden of IHD worldwide. Since dietary choices are not just behavioural in nature but can also be caused by social, economic and political factors. Thus, global health nurses can en-gage in collaborative, interdisciplinary, intersectoral and community partnerships to foster par-ticipation for the reduction of all risk factors for the development of ischemic heart diseases in Nicaragua. Likewise, global health nurses must work to address complex social, political, and economic barriers to good health and wellbeing in relation to IHDs in order to build healthy global societies. To this end, global health nurses must advocate for the

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