
Strong Start Case Study

Satisfactory Essays

Strong Start Feedback Overall On a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being boring to 5 being highly enjoyable), how would you rank Strong Start overall? __4.6__ a. If you did not rank it a 5, what suggestions would you give to improve it to a 5? • Strong Start was a packed day with many presentations and discussions, which was awesome! The only way to improve Strong Start in my opinion would be to split it into two days so everything from the presentations can be covered but also allow for more open discussion time with the presenters. I also feel like I only had the chance to know/talk with a handful of the other new hires that attended. Having more time to talk and network with everyone would have been great. (3) • More interaction with presenters: I …show more content…

In other words, what things did they do as a P1 or YP that contributed to the successful position they are in now. Who were their mentors, how did they find them, do they change, did they change disciplines? I was also really hoping we would talk about the extra effort concept and how that affects our UT. b. What did you think was the most beneficial part of the session? • The panel discussion was one of the most beneficial parts of the session because it was a more casual conversation that was specifically about starting out at Kimley-Horn and balancing personal responsibilities and responsibilities at work. This was helpful to me because it can be overwhelming hearing and learning about the “big picture” – this panel discussion allowed me to realize that it’s more important to build a strong foundation and take it one step at a time. (5) • Networking and the opportunities to talk with the regional team, making connections, and growing your work community is most enjoyable, but I also benefitted professionally from understanding my role and goals for growing my career in my current role. Seeing both the “in the future” role, but also how to be successful with “now”. …show more content…

• It was interesting to hear about the tension between core values, and I really appreciated hearing what considerations go into opening a new office. b. Career Development with Dave Leistiko • Talking about producing a quality product will be very important towards moving my career forward. (5) • Dave Leistiko’s set a very open for discussion presentation. It seemed more like a Q&A session with him as he opened up about his career development path, which was very informative. It is great to hear from someone as successful as Dave to talk about his time as a new hire and how he got to where he is now. (3) • Never go to your supervisor with a question without evidence that you’ve looked for answer first. • We are first and foremost, responsible for our success. • I enjoyed listening to Dave talk about suggestions he had about growing our own careers and taking full responsibility for them. • The importance of communication and how it will help us to work with our peers more comfortably and successfully. • Honestly, this presentation had the least amount of impact on me. It seemed scattered and unorganized. I honestly didn’t get much at all from this. I do think it has great potential with some

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