
Struggle For Equality

Decent Essays

“Passing' occurs when a person classified as a member of one ethnic group is also accepted as a member of a different ethnic group." At the "Passing" Race Panel Discussion, Morrissa, Glory, Robert, and Aaron all got to share their experiences with “passing”.
Robert grew up in Moorhead, but spent most of his life surrounded by Native Americans. He appeared to be white, but he had it in his blood. He mentioned how racist people were towards Native Americans. If he would go to the mall with his Native American cousins, they would be stalked by mall security. On the other hand, if he were to go shopping with his white friends from school, they would be left alone. He also talked about the struggles of being on the Native American reservation. …show more content…

The United States has always been very judgmental towards Native Americans and has always strived to change their ways. Native people were literally stripped of their culture. They were punished if they spoke anything but English. They were forced to wear Western style clothing, trim their hair, and all jewelry was removed. They even went so far as to rename each Native child. Children of different tribes were mixed, so they could not rekindle their Native identities. The students were physically, mentally, and sexually abused. Many children were close to starvation, but were expected to do most of the labor to keep the schools running. The gruesome schools became nightmares for these poor children: “many boarding schools adopted the practice of treating the students as if they were in the military by having them wear uniforms, participate in drills, and by dispensing harsh punishments” (White Teachers, 186). Also, in “White Teachers Diverse Classrooms”, it makes it very clear on how to work with Native American students, “The recognition that you understand their traditions provides the pathway to be able to forge relationships with them” (188). Their traditions may be completely different from ours, but we still need to respect

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