
Struggle Of Infertility For Couples

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Struggle of Infertility for Couples
Stephanie Duffin
Nursing 212
Ameritech College of Healthcare

Struggle of Infertility for Couples Couples dealing with infertility have many issues they may need support with. Some of the biggest problems they may have can be physical, but it is important to remember the psychological, emotional, and financial problems as well. Infertility is usually a problem that requires assistance from other individuals and the many resources available in the community. A couple may struggle for a long time if they try to go through infertility alone. An extra burden on the relationship can be lightened if the couple seeks help from those around them, including family, friends, and professionals. Some …show more content…

(These side effects have not been documented in men.) Other infertility medications may cause depression, mania, irritability, and thinking problems. Patients and clinicians may find it hard to figure out which reactions are psychological and which are caused by medications -- yet identifying causes is essential for determining next steps." (The psychological impact of infertility and its treatment, 2009, 05). Knowledge about the side effects can help reduce anxiety and stress on the couple if they are experienced. More complex infertility may require resources such as a sperm or egg bank for something like in vitro fertilization. This is a process where a sperm and egg are fertilized in a culture dish, and then implanted into a uterus. Many couples have success with this process, but it is an expensive procedure. One reason a couple may need help with in vitro is financially because of the expense. Insurance companies usually do not pay for in vitro, and it can cost over $10,000. "Only 15 states mandate insurance coverage for infertility treatment, and the extent of coverage varies. Costs of infertility treatments are significant. The average cost for an IVF cycle using fresh embryos, for example, is $8,158, with an additional $3,000 to $5,000 per cycle for fertility drugs. For patients who do not have insurance coverage or

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