
Student Council Failure

Decent Essays

The greatest obstacle I have had to overcome was facing failure. I have been in student council and leadership roles during every school year since 4th grade. So during freshman year of high school I was a student council officer and a member of the leadership class. It was obvious that I would continue in doing what I was good at by applying for the student council officer class as a sophomore. I went through the difficult process of campaigning and following all of the very strict campaign rules that had been set on those applying, even though others did not. I’m a very competitive person so I was determined to secure one of the eight spots in the class. Since I won every other thing I had ever tried out for I had assumed this would be the same. After all I had all of the classifications; good grades, never been suspended or had detention,a history with student council, and I even gave people candy with a campaign slogan on them to get people to vote for me. The day of the announcement I was so excited. I remember having that strange feeling in the pit of your stomach which is sometimes a good sign and sometimes a bad sign. As my teacher (whom I’d never really trusted,) read off …show more content…

The idea that maybe one day I will be able to use this failure to relate to others and help them overcome their failures is what has kept me going through difficult times. In the end, losing the election was a blessing in disguise. The amount of pressure on student council officers, particularly the sophomores is way too stressful for me. I’m now in a lower level leadership and I’m rather content there. I’ve faced many challenges, but they all seemed easier to face knowing one day my failure would lead me to something greater. I’ve struggled with self doubt and regret but if I just keep it close to my heart that while I’m deep in the struggle it will be difficult but sometime in the future I will look back and say that this has made me a better

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