
Student Teaching Reflection

Decent Essays

Student Teaching Reflection My student teaching provided me with was an experience that will best benefit me into my future teaching career. I had the opportunity to teach in a 1stgrade classroom. The class started out with 17 students, 5 girls and 12 boys, but one student moved away and the class size dropped to 16 students, leaving the class with 4 girls and 12 boys. My cooperating teacher and the students accepted me into their classroom and were excited to have another teacher in the room. My student teaching experience was very challenging, yet rewarding. The class was a very talkative and energetic bunch of students. The class had a high tendency to get off task when working independently, during free time, or in small …show more content…

The teacher in-service provided me with wonderful information that I will continue with and take into my classroom. The in-service informed us about the unfamiliar disability, a learning disability. The in-service did not just give me information about LD, it gave me a chance to know and feel what it is like have a learning disability. It really opened my eyes and my heart to the LD students. Before going into my student teaching experience, I was

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