
Students Should Reduce Their Time On Social Networking Sites

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Anh Ho Ms. Perales ENGWR 300 - 9AM 16 October, 2014 Students Should Reduce Their Time on Social Networking Sites What would people do if they could not access the Internet for one week? Needless to say, they would not do their jobs in a normal way because the Internet plays a big role in their daily lives. Today, human beings are living in the world of advanced technology. Many years ago, technology did not allow people to interact with others as it does today, so they had to go outside to meet their friends individually. Thanks to social networking sites, people can sit in front of their computers and Skype their friends for hours. In many ways, social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter have led to positive changes in the way people communicate and share information. However, students should reduce their time on social networking sites to one hour a day in order to avoid these sites’ negative effects, since these sites can ruin students’ abilities in school. Nowadays, people have a habit of checking the updates on social networking sites every day, and this habit turns into an addiction. For most students, the most addicting parts of Facebook are uploading photos, posting status, and getting attention from other people. In the article “Self Disclosure Through Social Media Stimulates Brain Pleasure Centers”, Leslie Walker suggested that “sharing information about ourselves fires up the pleasure centers of our brains may shed light on the roots of social media

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