
Succinate Dehydrogenase Lab Report

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This lab was focused on the idea of isolating the nucleus and mitochondria found in cells. It will also test and determine the precision of the techniques used for isolation, by the assaying of a specific enzyme known as succinate dehydrogenase. Succinate dehydrogenase, an enzyme, is chosen due to the fact that it is almost exclusively found in the mitochondria. Thus by testing for it in the various cell fractions, we can observe just how precise the isolation techniques were. Unless contaminated, the succinate dehydrogenase enzyme should only be found in the mitochondrial faction; which indicates flaws in the isolation process of the various organelles. Mitochondria provide the energy used within our cell to carry the vast variety of actives that is fundamental life (). Without the huge input of ATP derived from the mitochondria, the …show more content…

Using a spectrometer to assay the enzyme succinate dehydrogenase determines just how much contamination is found with in each of the factions(). Each faction is treated with a special dye known as DCPIP. If there is any succinate dehydrogenase found within the sample it should reduce this blue dye to a clear color (). In nature succinate dehydrogenase works with FAD to create Fumarate. The FAD coenzyme is reduced by succinate receiving 2 Hydrogen’s in the reaction. However the dye DCPIP can be used in its place, when reduced to help create Fumarate it becomes clear. Measuring this transformation over a wavelength of 600nm by how long it takes for the samples to turn colorless using the spectrometer, if at all, we can test the concentration of succinate dehydrogenase found in the samples. This data can then help represent whether or not any contamination is present. Given the information above, I believe that the highest concentration of succinate dehydrogenase will not be found in the nuclear fraction, but rather the mitochondria and homogenate

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