
Sudan: Social Inequality, the Fight for NaturalResources, Civil War

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Sudan: Social Inequality, the Fight for NaturalResources, Civil War

Ethics of Development in a Global Environment: War& Peace

Fighting between the Muslim government in Khartoumand Christian rebel forces located in southern Sudan has long been ignored.This struggle has caused nothing but devastation and depravation for in theregion. More than two millionpeople have died as a result of the conflict, including many innocent civilians. In addition, extremely valuableresources that would surely benefit the entire global economy, are beingneglected and the with the minimized benefits only helping a few . As is the case in most if not all civilwars power is what each side is struggling over. .The north and south werejoined for no good …show more content…

It is obvious that the money associated with oil as a natural resource located in Sudan hasbeen fueling the struggle much longer than necessary. In addition, this oil present in Sudan has contributed tothe war becoming a much more delicate matter. Since oil is such a valuable international resource, manynations share apprehensions about getting involved. In fact, accusations havebeen made saying that Oil Companies with interests in Sudan have been directlyfunding certain factions, and are thus perpetuating the conflict.

Sudan, the largest country in Africa, was ruled jointly byBritain and Egypt from 1899. Thisended once Sudan gained independence as a parliamentary republic in 1956[1].Since their independence, Sudan has been governed by a succession of volatilecivilian and military governments. The war in Sudan was engaged by alongstanding conflict between the Arab Muslims from the north of Sudan, whogenerally controlled the governmental institutions, and the black Africans ofthe south of Sudan, who follow mainly Christian beliefs. This conflict wasintensified following the imposition of strict Muslim Shari'a law in 1983 underthe the en President Nimeri. Two years later President Nimeri was removed througha peaceful coup and the new government decided that it was in the best interestof Sudan to relax of the usage of Shari'a law pertaining to non-Muslims[2].

The civil war in Sudan has claimed millionsof lives and forced millions more from their

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