
Sudanese Civil War Research Paper

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Sweat dripping from their foreheads, stomachs yearning for their next meal, legions of children watch as the villagers of their town walk by. With sharp pains lingering in their stomachs, the young lay, fatigued from the lack of nutrition. Attacked by disease and sickness, people flee from their own nations in search of food. Families are split up as a result of this frantic search for food, often times leaving no one to take care of the younger ones. The number of cases of disease, sickness and death are increasing at an alarming rate. What is making the lives of these people so tragic? Violence and corruption have become more prominent because of turbulent international relations, resulting in an epidemic of hunger crises within various third …show more content…

The civil war which eventually lead to the independence of South Sudan is also one of the most prominent causes of famine in the hunger-struck nation. Prior to this event was the First Sudanese Civil War, in which Northern Sudan fought Southern Sudan from 1955 until 1972. Beginning in 1983, the Second Sudanese Civil War lasted all the way until 2005 when the Sudan People’s Liberation Army finally claimed victory. The violence in South Sudan ruined crops throughout the region. Crops such as maize and sorghum are utilized in the majority of Sudanese cooking, and are essential to the nourishment of the people, providing them with food such as porridge, bread, and cereal. However, as a result of the war, these staples have become scarce. In fact, “in 2013, the Unity state's traditional sector produced 26,000 tons of cereal which by 2016 had dropped to 9,000 tons, according to the Food and Agricultural Organization” (Mednick). The drop in production illustrates the hunger crisis; clearly, the production rate of cereal parallels the production rate of these essential grains. This decrease in crop production only adds to the hunger crisis in the region, as the limit on supplies becomes continuously restricted. However, not only did the violence impact food production, but it negatively impacted the economy of the country. According to World Vision International, a humanitarian aid organization, “decades of civil war before South Sudan became a nation…have left it one of the poorest countries in the world,” (Reid). South Sudan, one of the world’s newest nations, has also become one of the weakest economically because of on-going war and violence. In addition to their comment on the impact of the civil war, World Vision International claimed that “famine [has been] declared in parts of Unity state in what the U.N. calls a man-made

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