
Suicide Narrative

Decent Essays

One Friday, I came home from work as usual at 6pm, and sat down at my dining table. I had in front of me a glass of red wine, about a hundred pills, a blade, and some alcohol pads for disinfection. I was having a fight with my boyfriend over text, who was in Charlotte at that moment for business. Once he stopped replying, I sent him a text that read, “I am going to kill myself.” Within minutes, I heard someone bang on my door. It was the police. My boyfriend had called 911 to report my potential suicide. I had been mentioning suicide in our conversations for a few weeks, to be fair. Caught in the scene, I was brought to New York Presbyterian Psychiatric Emergency Room in an ambulance. “How much is this going to cost? Because I can’t afford …show more content…

My boyfriend loved me, and it felt like a miracle. “Are you going to leave me?” “Are you going to marry me?” “Why can’t you come back today?” were only few of the questions that arose from my trust issues. I would call him too many times and leave him too many texts, even when I knew he was busy. The once sweet girlfriend that I was had let go of herself. My troubled emotions were seeping into our relationship. Each time a fight broke out, my boyfriend used to eventually come around and reassure me he wasn’t going anywhere. With his affirmation, our relationship would survive. But one can only take so much, and this time he had finally left me. All I wanted at that moment was to have him back and fill the space. The last thing I could do was to give anyone …show more content…

I cried in his arms in his room. “Don’t abandon me,” I cried and cried. “We will see,” he replied. “I said I was sorry,” I was weeping by this point. “We will see,” he repeated. He told me he needed some time to think. He also told me I had to tell my parents about what had happened. “I need you to do this, they deserve to know,” he said. I refused. The last thing I wanted to do was to inconvenience more people, and I was never close to them anyways. “This is the first step to any kind of a relationship. You need to compromise, and I need you to compromise on this,” he said. So I called my parents. It broke their hearts and mine. I will never be able to mend the hurt this incident caused them, not within my entire lifetime. After the phone call to my family, he made me promise him I would never try to kill myself. I obliged. He had to go on another business trip to Florida and asked me to give him space during that week. I protested but gave in eventually. He told me he would call once he got back and we would go from there. Normally I would have said “No,” and refused to leave until he promised me he would call me every day. But this time, I decided to take a chance, because if he cared enough to call 911, he might actually come back in a week. I left his apartment however reluctantly, as he got on a cab to LaGuardia airport to catch his

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