
Suicides Among Older Adults

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Whoops I already touched on this a little bit in our last post, so sorry group if I sound like a broken record. Older adults are at risk for getting sexual transmitted diseases the same way that younger adults are; unsafe sexual practices, sharing needles or having a blood transfusion before 1985. However, out of all of the risk factors for AIDS/HIV the one that is the biggest in older adults is unsafe sexual practices. Older adults are not as likely to use condoms because they are not worried about pregnancy. Likewise, widowed or divorced older adults are encouraged nowadays to find another life partner. This means that older adults are back in the dating game and may have multiple sexual partners; this is also a risk factor. In a similar manner, older adults don't have reproductive checkups as frequently as younger adults or sexual health screenings. This means that an older adult could have an undiagnosed STD for a longer period of time. Having an STD such as herpes, Chlamydia, Syphilis or Gonorrhea may cause changes in tissue …show more content…

(In my best Su Sepples voice). A lot of older adults still think that people get HIV by being homosexual, being IV drug users or blood transfusions and as long as they are not involved in any of those areas they are safe. Wrong! In a similar manner a lot of older adults think if their partner is receiving treatments for HIV/AID's that they are cured and can no longer pass the disease on. This is also wrong. Unlike our generation that grew up about learning from HIV/AID's in health class, the older generation has never had structured HIV/AID's education like we did in school. I have found that they have little to no knowledge on the disease. So as a nurse we need to create that foundation of knowledge with

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