
Summary Of Abraham Lincoln's Assassination

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Abraham Lincoln told his guard, John Parker, to leave and go watch the play, but instead he went to the saloon and got a couple drinks and was too drunk to stop assassin John Wilkes Booth. Some people believe but they also think that he fall asleep on duty an booth pass packer was a drunk but takes his job very seriously but just that night not so serious when booth walk in he AIMED at his head the plan was to kidnap lincoln but there were two many guards so he decided to shot him i think he would of never get away i dont no what he was thinking so after that he ride his horse two the hotel to meet his brother so they stayed and the menace help him with his leg and to hope it will heil bye the time they got their and they waited over night and left the next day and crossed the river and a few miles away was a tobacco barn for the last 4 days and so on they ARRIVED they shouted conon out your sounded booths brother came out and gave up and they seat the barn on fire and Booth shot a bullet at the general and missed general shot back and hit Booth and the neck and came out wounded and died after he layed down and Abraham DIED was died the night he was shot and it was 7AM and i think if he was suffered i think if they didn't put his hand on the wound he mint of lived if he did lived he would of had a disease an would of died of it.

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