Cole Kliegl Ms. Kiera Ball ENG 101T 2-22-15 Are Mutual Funds Good Investments “20 MAJOR ADVANTAGES OF INVESTING IN MUTUAL FUNDS” by Austin Pryor and “9 Disadvantages of Investing in Mutual Funds” by InvestorGuide Staff both discuss whether or not mutual funds would be worth investing in or not. The article by Austin Pryor is more convincing than the article by InvestorGuide Staff because of the fact that Austin Pryor was able to list over twice as much advantages to disadvantages and he also has more logic in his article when compared to InvestorGuide Staff’s articles. They both talk about whether or not Mutual Funds have to many choices to be made. According to InvestorGuide staff’s article it states: “However, there are over 10,000 mutual funds in operation, and these funds vary greatly according to investment objective, size strategy, and style. Mutual funds are available for virtually every investment strategy (e.g. value, growth), every sector (e.g. biotech, internet), and every country and region of the world. So even the process of selecting a fund can be tedious” (Staff). This quote shows just how complex investing in mutual funds can be for a person especial if he or she knows nothing about investing. Now according to Austin Pryor in his article it says that there are advisors that are available to help with making the choices with mutual funds (Pryor).Also there are a good amount of newsletters that can advise someone in mutual funds (Pryor). One of the
Moderate risk; mutual funds can earn significantly more money but can also potentially lose more.
What’s Morningstar? – provides you with the most comprehensive sources of mutual-fund information/also uses a five-star rating system to evaluate, though not always true.
As a manager for Morningstar, where they rely on my judgment in making big decisions, when the organization started discussing dropping stocks and bonds and focus solely on mutual funds, I had to contemplate this decision to decide if it would help or hinder the organization. In my opinion, the decision to only focus on mutual funds would hinder the company by cutting down the diversification that we offer to our clients. Morningstar was founded in 1984 by Joe Mansueto, who started this business to help individuals make sense of investing by cutting down on the confusion. Mansueto realized that in order to assist investors he would need to create a compendium of information for each fund out there, to make it easier for average investors to invest wisely. Our company
For as long as I can remember, St. Johns Lutheran Church has been like a second home. It is the church where I was baptized (for a second time), took first communion and affirmed my faith through confirmation. I belonged at St. Johns. I was a member of St. Johns.
A mutual fund manager is a person who actively buys or sells and sometimes both funds. They are experienced in implementing a funds strategy used for investing and manages its trading activities as well as the portfolio. Choosing whether or not to invest in Ford Motor Company will take the use of a SWOT analysis and learning about the stakeholders of the company.
Many people don’t understand the process of investing; some people think you would have to work on Wall Street in order to understand the investing process. Even though the investing world has become more confusing than ever, Joe Mansueto saw an easier way of investing. Mr. Mansueto created an organization called Morning Inc. that would demonstrate an easier way of investing. Mansueto created a format that would cut around all unessassary information and aim directly for the relevant information. The company that Joe Mansueto established main focus is to research independent information for investments, financial advisor, and intuitional advisor (Ferrell, 2009). Morningstar’s mutual fund rating service is probably the most influential fund
Overview of subject matter essential for the individual who requires general knowledge of the mutual fund industry and related topics. The individual may want to become a professional in the mutual funds industry or simply want to expand their knowledge of mutual funds for personal interest.
Many professionals, young and old, are looking at investing their money in different areas. Some would choose investing on a start-up or banking it all on mutual funds. But there is one way people can invest their money for the “Betterment.”
2016 reports state that there has been a 4 percent increase of American adults suffering from mental illness (18.53 percent) when compared to 2015 (18.19 percent) (“2016 State of Mental Health in America - Adult Data”, MHA). Mental disorders have been a continuous public health concern within the United States, one of most chronic, disabling, costly, and recognizable being Schizophrenia. Contrary to popular belief, this mental disorder is rather common, an estimated 1.5 percent of the United States population being diagnosed within their lifetime (“What is Schizophrenia?”, SRF). Although treatment provided by specialty services may be highly effective, only 44 percent of Americans diagnosed seek treatment. In order to encourage that number to rise, the United States government needs to update the costs per treatment, increase the effectivity, and inform the population of the demands it deserves in order to achieve effective recoveries.
think of a mutual fund as a company that brings together a group of people and invests
Money Market Mutual Funds are investments whose purpose is to provide investors with a safe place to invest. They are
1. The fund deals with technology driven companies due to the expertise of its fund manager in that area; comfortable in prediction of individual stock
Diagram 1.0 illustrated overview of mutual funds type available in the market. This section will compare and contrast in 5 dimensions, the advantages and disadvantages
There are varies reasons why investors purchase mutual funds. Professional management is one of the reasons investors purchase mutual funds. The second reason investors purchase mutual funds is for diversification purposes. Mutual funds are “investment companies that pools the money of many investors” (Hughes, 2009,P.513). “A mutual fund pools money from hundreds and thousands of investors to construct a portfolio of stocks, bonds, real estate, or other securities, according to its charter”(CNNMoney). Mutual funds may be go up and down. “And while some mutual funds consistently showed positive returns, many shareholders experienced a roller coaster ride, with prices for mutual fund shares increasing and decreasing over the first seven years of the century” (Hughes, 2009, p.514)
Mutual funds are investments vehicles which allow you to be broadly diversified by owning a large array of stocks or a particular investment instrument. Funds are managed by a single individual or a team of managers. Their job is to maximize your investment within the fund's investment criteria. The decision made by the fund manager(s) will determine whether you see a financial gain or loss on your investment. Mutual fund managers are responsible for researching investments, as well as buying and selling securities. Mutual fund companies pool money from thousands of investors. Each of those investors becomes a shareholder in that fund.