
Summary Of Bucatini

Satisfactory Essays

Table of Contents
Executive Summary 3
Tagline 3
In English “Health, tasty, and good food” 3
In Italian “salutare, gustoso, e buon cibo” 3
Logo 3
Introduction 4
Mission 4
Vision 4
Organization plan 5
Growth Strategy 5
Market Analysis 5
Market Segmentation 5
Target Market 6
Long Term Goal of the Bucatini Pasta Restaurant 6
Competitors Information 6
SWOT Analysis 7
Management Team 7
Product, Service and Technology 8
The products sold by Bucatini Pasta restaurant 8
Benefits and customer value 9
Marketing Plan 9
Marketing Strategies 9
Marketing Mix 10
Marketing Budget 12
(4P’s and 4 C’s) Marketing Mix of Bucatini 13
Operation Management 14
Production schedule Planning 15
Financial Projection 16
Startup Cost 16
Labor Salaries 17
One Month Expenses 17 …show more content…

Expects to catch the interest of customer base with its broad variety of Italian pasta. The company plans to build a loyal customer and great market position in the city.
BPR aims to offer its service at a competitive price to meet the demand of the market area students and local residents. With the high concentration of our business, there are no Italian restaurants in Cyberjaya and a tremendous need for students and also an upscale family restaurant that offers items for both the children and adults.
BPR will have a great food, a prime location, a proven concept, no competition, a great management and crew atmosphere, and the support of the community resulting in a highly profitable in Cyberjaya.

In English “Health, tasty, and good food”

In Italian “salutare, gustoso, e buon cibo”

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