
Summary Of David Shields's Essay 'Life Story'

Decent Essays

I could really understand “Life Story” by David Shields. Shields wrote his essay in all bumper stickers. It may seem as a mess, but it is not. It made sense. The bumper stickers combined a lot of life advice. I have heard some of them before. One that I’ve heard a lot is “a woman’s place is the mall” (Shields, 83) I’ve also heard, “I may have grown old, but I’ll never grow up” (82). The sayings are very humorous but they still have meaning, not all of them. I think it is interesting how someone could put all these bumper stickers together and make an essay that made sense. After reading Shields’ essay “Life Story”, I have found that it is related to me in several ways, such as: cultural, religion, biographical, biological, and other things.
First, I think that I share with the author a biographical background with the author. Shields say “I may have grown old, but I’ll never grow up” (82). For me, I think the same as Shields said. It is true that we become old, but the fact that we do not want to admit it. Everyone wants to go back to being young. They are old in bodies, but their mind is still young. I think this is due to the fact that when you admit that you are old there is nothing left for you to do. Your body becomes weak, but your mind still the same. However, it …show more content…

shows a lot of wrong stereotypes for American and for different people from different countries. The writer notes “not all dumbs are blonde” (82). Shields indicates that there are smart blonde girls. Before coming to the U.S. I was thinking that blondes are very stupid. When watching a movie, the blondes are always stupid. In movies they never finish school and even if they finish they do not go to college and go marry a rich man or go Las Vegas. I always thought that was true. After coming to the U.S. I start seeing that the movies give me the wrong idea. The stereotype that blonde women are stupid, but after seeing with my own eyes I understand what Shields is

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