
Summary Of Ellen And Russell's Therapeutic Relationship

Satisfactory Essays

Hi everyone,

My reaction to the article was very much in line with what Ellen and Russell have already stated. The topic sounded very interesting, but the article felt very emotional, almost an opinion piece about how being a doctor isn't very fun.

I found the term 'love-relationship' slightly strange, and it left me wondering whether the author was referring to some type of serious long-term relationship, or whether they had in mind the ability to sexualize, or make sexual advances to, any or all of their patients. For me, clarifying this is important, as I am sure the latter would receive stronger reactions than the former.

If the author has in mind a serious relationship with someone who they initially met as a patient, then it doesn't seem that the doctor and patient in question face very serious challenges to overcome the professional boundaries that doctors currently abide by. That is, if there is a mutual interest from both parties, the patient can opt to change doctors, or wait until their current treatment is completed before proceeding with a romantic and sexual relationship. …show more content…

Patients go to doctors to get objective consultations. People want to feel comfortable, particularly when a doctor visit involved bearing parts of one's body. They don't want the possibility of being approached sexually by their treating physician. Changing the professional guidelines of doctor patient relationships could have negative impacts on patients, and leave many with aversive feelings towards having

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