Reading chapter 1 of Half The Sky, human trafficking is not something you can simply read about it, but must live the experience to truly feel its impact. As an American who has live his whole life protect by its wealth and strong resources, to define the term trafficking is not merely just a female or even man to provide sexual services to clients. In country such as India, it can be view as rite of passage where one does not have a choice to reject offers from brothels that wishes to lessen women body, and vice versa there voice. It is not just a form of slavery that rivals plantation owners from the south who view those of darker completion as there inferiors. It is something that has their own terrors of horror where you’re not just force …show more content…
Those who sadly become part of globalization or capitalism for women are beaten and force into organization that seen them as pawns in game that will drugged them to alter their perception of reality. They would even force pregnant mothers into having births and then taking their children away as collateral damage in order to make them obey their rules or laws. Policemen will even turn a blind eye because they have mutual ties with the brothels owners and it is not that they do not believe the victim or female story but it is far more common in countries where women are more sexually conservative. Prior examples are Iran, Pakistan, and India. Human trafficking is a disease that cannot be describe in one article or video but throughout history, it is a term that challenges the foundations of compassion and …show more content…
She did not have a choice in the matter as many young girls from a poor background with no formal education have no free-willed. The Nutt a low-castle tribe took her from home on the boarder of Nepal. They raised her for years and beat her until she gave into her circumstances. Meena however was not like other females she fought back usually and was not ready to live her whole life as a slave that was look down upon. Nutt kidnapped her children’s to make her obey their orders until one day she fled her environment. She eventually came for her children’s, but every time the police community turn their back on her due to her be viewed as outsider who pose no threat. Her children were lead to believe that she was not there mother, human trafficking main purpose is to secluded the victim and mold them into the client puppet. For long time Meena was like her children brainwashed and with no moral support. She eventually came across an organization that had same the core beliefs as her, name Apne Aap Women Worldwide organization. It was the first of its kind to open an office in Forbesgunge, led by journalist Ruchira Gupta who grew partly in Forbesgunge. Many organizations were reluctant to open an office rural Bihar, however this journalist wanted to face human trafficking directly as it not something that can simply be fought with words.
1) How would you convey the message of the book “Half the Sky” to family, friends, and colleagues?
Biljana Meshkovska, one of the authors of the article Female Sex Trafficking: Conceptual Issues, Current Debates, and Future Directions, reports, “According to this United Nations protocol, human trafficking is the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of persons, by means of threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation” (381). She records that 600,000 to about 800,000 females, males, and minors can become victims yearly (384).
Sex trafficking is essentially systemic rape for profit. Force, fraud and coercion are used to control the victim’s behavior which may secure the appearance of consent to please the buyer (or john). Behind every transaction is violence or the threat of violence (Axtell par. 4). Just a decade ago, only a third of the countries studied by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime had legislation against human trafficking. (Darker Side, par.1) Women, children, and even men are taken from their homes, and off of the streets and are brought into a life that is almost impossible to get out of. This life is not one of choice, it is in most times by force. UNODC estimates that the total international human trafficking is a
Sex trafficking is the violation of human rights: equality, health, and dignity. Today ninety-six percent of victims of sexual exploitation are women and girls. (Shared Hope International) There is an extensive debate on how women are viewed as an object rather than an actual human being. The portrayal of women today is sickening. Women are shown as a sex object to men rather than a person. In this horrific act of self-destruction, women are exposed to sexual performance in trade off to the “buyer” or much known as a sex trafficker, for money, drugs, and or values of life. Traffickers trap women, child, or even men into guarantee relationships, gifts, and other false promises. This is known as a Commercial Sex Act. Women who are involved in human trafficking have their complete existence taken from them. Most victims that are involved in sex trafficking do not have a peaceful ending. Sex and human trafficking is a prime example of how our society over-sexualizes women. The whole academic of human trafficking shows that women are stigmatized as weak individuals. It is mainly from how they are treated, many are known know as a “Sex Slave” after the “entertainment” from the traffickers has been done. The results of human trafficking are degrading to the women in society. It may be known as “prostitution” but what some people do not understand or care for, it is a Federal Law identified as Sex trafficking. Human trafficking not only happens in the United States of American but all parts of this alarming world. This form of slavery denies the freedom to 20.9 million human beings in the world around us. (Polaris)
Human trafficking has received increasing global attention over the past decade. Trafficking of women and girls for forced sex work and, to a lesser extent, domestic servitude, were the sole focus of advocacy and assistance. There is recognition in today’s society that women, children, and men are trafficked into many different forms of labour, and for sexual exploitation. In her article, “Understanding and Addressing Violence Against Women”, Cathy Zimmerman and Heidi Stockl focus on the commonality of human trafficking and how evident it is in everyday life. They bring in the health effects and possible solutions to human trafficking to help validate their opinion and argument. In the solutions they offer, Zimmerman and Stockl shine a light on policy-makers/decision-makers, health-care providers, and researchers/funders and what each of these groups of people can do to help combat the issue of human trafficking. In a quote from their article, Stockl and Zimmerman say: “Health care providers and organizations involved with trafficked persons should increase their capacity to identify and refer people in trafficking situations and provide sensitive and safe services to people post-trafficking”. This quote shows how Zimmerman and Stockl believe human trafficking should be combated by caring and talking to those affected by the issue but how they also believe awareness should be made about human trafficking so as to allow people surrounding the issue to identify and help victims of this issue. Zimmerman and Stockl’s view on the ways human trafficking should be combatted relate to those of Soroptimist due to the fact that the two groups of people are focused mainly on helping women and girls who have been trafficked and trying to get them to a better life after getting out of the trafficking situation. Both groups focus on helping men as well, providing options to help them such as raising money and awareness, and getting educated on being able to identify victims of human trafficking.
This video explains how women are sold into sex trafficking and gives examples of people doing the act. The video also follows a man trying to free his wife from the sex trafficking. After watching this video I was really surprised to see how easy it was to sex traffic women into other countries. I was also very surprised to see that the law enforcement did next to nothing. I would hate to live in a country where I didn’t feel like I could go to the police for help. The book explains that the reason for difference in the world is the different income levels. Sex trafficking occurs more because people from lower-income countries travel to higher-income countries looking for work and sometimes that work is prostitution. I do think that this indicates
What is human trafficking? How does it affect us? Do you believe that it’s a form of slavery? We live in a world that has accepted men’s control for over decades of years. Human trafficking consists of the use of innocent lives to exploit vulnerable girls and women through forceful stripping of their dignity and self-worth. In a world that is consider to have equalities and rights, females are still suffering from this horrific tragedy of being abducted and forced into sex slavery globally, they’re manipulated into believing that they have a chance to be financially successful once they arrived to Unites States. The things we see on media, we immediately judge individuals and blame them for putting themselves there. Media catches
Introduction & Historical Background. First off, prostitution has existed even before Christ set foot on this earth. The term is beyond ancient and has a long-term historic footprint around the world. Over the years women have a long history being apart of sex trafficking whether it’s self volunteered or forcefully. Regardless of the laws that have been established to help decrease to eliminate what is still becoming a hot topic problem in the United States and around the globe, human trafficking is still among us today. My goal in this paper is to emphasize on the importance of eliminating women and children solicitation in the black market. Consequently, human trafficking has forcefully placed women from around the world in this sex trade for many years, losing everything from there money, children, self respect and dignity.
The victims’ of today’s Sex Trafficking Scandal are brutally tortured not only physically but mentally. The victims’ are sold to traffickers, locked up in rooms or brothels for weeks and or months at a time, drugged,
When forced into sex trafficking statistics state that 67 percent of prisoners are forced into labor, 55 percent are women and girls, and 26 percent are children that endure the conditions and harshness of this generation 's modern slavery. Human trafficking is the modern slavery throughout the globe and 27,000 cases have been reported to the NHTRC hotline in the last eight years alone (Human Trafficking). Human trafficking is of all ages, all genders, and anyone can be forced into the labor. There are some movies that shine light on this topic, “Taken” for example seems to be one of the closest movies to the ongoings of sex trafficking. Two women were taken from their vacation and one of the girls fathers goes after her and tries to track her down. We saw from the beginning how the young man, who was to abduct them, was able to learn where they lived, that they were tourist, and that they were alone with a whole floor to themselves. It was an easy catch and the two ladies did not even know what they had done by sprouting what they thought was harmless information. Women are seen as weak and property, we can see this through-out social media, even though there is talk of equality amongst men and women in this generation it is clear that women are mere objects amongst a large group of men.
A strict conclusion can be drawn while examining this at a human rights perspective. With an elaborate history of women selling their bodies, along with pre existing power dynamics in society, as well as the present gender issues occurring that have a extensive mental affect on women, the focus of sex trafficking can be seen as more of a gendered issue, rather than an economic issue.
This exists as a global problem because no county is protected; human trafficking numbers has grown rapidly over the years, in relation to the escalating international sex trade. This type of practice forces an individual to engage in sex acts or labor against their will through coercive threats, intimidation, the elimination of any legal documents and violence under enslaved conditions. (“Global”) Women are often trafficked for the purpose of commercial sexual services, increasing their vulnerability to transmittable HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases, and brutality. They are held against their will in remote environments, these women have few avenues for assistance while they suffer vast physical and emotional abuse at the hands of their abductors. (“Global”)
Societies rarely takes the time to understand these women and what lead them into trafficking
The trafficking of women and girls for the purpose of prostitution is big business. It has been and still is one of the biggest industries worldwide. These unfortunate women and girls do not lead normal lives, but rather they are bought and sold as commodities. They also usually have no control over their lives and live in conditions of extreme poverty and abuse. Trafficking, debt bondage, forced labor, and other abuse is suffered by women all over the world and it is a violation of human rights. The problem is one of international proportion. United States feminists as well as many nongovernmental organizations acknowledge that this is a huge problem that needs to be tackled with greater proportions. We
Human trafficking is a hideous and serious crime that we see in our daily life, and which denies victims of their basic human rights and their freedom to live a normal life. Human trafficking is basically “the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of people, by means of the threat or use of force or any other forms of methods, of abduction, of fraud, of betrayal, of the abuse of power or using power over another person for the purpose of exploitation. These terrible situations happen every day all over the world. And each year thousands of women and children fall in the hands of traffickers who exploit them in different ways, in their own country or abroad. Human trafficking is the term used to describe all forms of modern-day slavery around us. This term is no longer from the pas but it is horrific reality which we have to see in our present life and unfortunately in our future. According to a source it said that every 10 minutes, a woman or child is forced into labor. Exploitation can include the exploitation of prostitution or other forms of sexual exploitation on girls that are abducted, forced labor or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery or the removal of organs from their body to be sold in organ market. Victims of human trafficking are transported away from their society into a more extreme and rigorous environment away from their families and loved ones whom they could most probably never see again in their life, this happens