
Summary Of In The Belly Of The Beast

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On Paul Solotaroff’s “In the Belly of the Beast”: A Not So Subtle Argument Against Factory Farming The dawn of civilization began with mankind mastering a constant source of food. From humble grains to the mighty cow, raising and harvesting food has been an unchanged profession for millennia. Ingrained into the fabric of society to the point of the biblical story of Cain and Abel, where Abel, being a Shepard, offered one of his flock to God as a sacrifice which was preferred over Cain’s grain offering. From biblical times, the progression of technology for herding and rearing animals had not changed up until the industrial revolution. The industrial revolution led to new mechanized ways of raising animals but, also losing touch with the natural way of things. This mechanized way of raising animals is talked about by Paul Solotaroff in his article, “In the Belly of The Beast” on how cruel and brutal the conditions are for the animals being raised today in factory farms and how people should act against them. Solotaroff opens the article with Sarah – which isn’t her real name and is made very clear that its important her real name isn’t known. Sarah then describes the scene of the farm she works on in a vivid sense, such as
“the sensory assault of 10,000 pigs in close quarters: the stench of their shit, piled three feet high in the slanted trenches below; the blood on sows’ snouts cut by cages so tight they can’t turn around or lie sideways; the racking cries of

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