
Summary Of Miss Mabel's School For Girls

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First of all, I would love to thank the author for sending me a copy of this book so soon after I finished the Miss Mabel's School for Girls. Let it be known that I absolutely loved Miss Mabel’s School for Girls, the first book in Katie Cross’ Network Series. It had wonderful characters, beautiful imagery, and much more. It whisked you to a place of mysterious magic that you can’t quite get over even after you finish the book. It enraptured me and made me an instant fan. It seems rare that I love a sequel just as much as the original, and it has only happened a few times before - but Antebellum Awakening has just joined that short list.I found the first, Miss Mabel's School for Girls, on NetGalley and I am so glad I did. After posting my praise on this blog and all my other social media platforms, the author offered me a copy of the second novel as well as a novella - which I can't wait to dive into, by the way. I loved that in this book we had an entirely new setting, it no longer takes place at Miss Mabel's but rather at Chatham Castle which is basically the capitol of the Central Network. We get to explore so much more in this book, we even travel to another Network in Antebellum. I also loved the addition of the new characters and creatures, especially Merrick and Sonna. …show more content…

Considering that the first book was set at an entirely all girl's school - romance wasn't much of an option. What I liked most about the addition, though, was the fact that the romance was centered around Bianca's friends rather than herself. Yes, there are still hints of it between her and Merrick - but it is hardly a blossoming romance or anything of the sort, especially when compared with the descriptions of Camille and Brecken or Michelle and Nicholas. This book kept up my favorite part of the first book, and that was the all around girl power. The girls in these books basically rule, and it is absolutely

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